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Imani smiled as men and women greeted her left and right, kissing the back of her hand or offering an overly done compliment

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Imani smiled as men and women greeted her left and right, kissing the back of her hand or offering an overly done compliment. She was in her element as she snarkily returned insults disguised as compliments and flirted with anyone who even looked towards her.

They where of course the small fish however, her main goal was the man of the hour who had not yet made his appearance. She knew however that he was on the balcony above thanks to Marie's superb hacking skills and whispers into her earpiece informing her of his every move.

The quiet mutterings of polite conversation halted as Imani was reaching out to take a finger sandwich from one of the waiters walking around, heads spinning to the doors as finally Mr Jerry Smith entered, dressed in a black suit with a maroon tie, expensive gold watch and leather loafers he fit the bill of I'm here to intimidate no matter how stupid my name is.

As her eyes followed his frame, watching carefully as he moved around the room talking to different people, her eyes narrowing as he approached a group of three men, fucking hell. Owen, Victor, and Brandon all stood there decked out in suits.

If  those three where on the floor it was safe to assume the rest where either working as waiters, security or watching from the cameras or windows. This just made her job a whole lot harder. Biting her lip, she chose to ignore them for now, they would not interfere with this mission if she had anything to do with it.

Focusing her attention back onto the man currently trying the get into her pants .... Well technically dress since she wasn't wearing pants, she smiled seductively at him giggling at his awful attempt at flirting which he in all his stupidity was mistaking for her liking him.

She almost sighed in relief wen she saw Smith making his was over from the corner of her eye, twirling the champagne glass in her hand absentmindedly she turned her charm onto the maximum she could do imagining it was Marie she was flirting with instead.

Finally, he made his way over greeting the man in front of her first "Chris it's been a while, how have you been?" Ahh that was his name, she had forgotten it immediately after he introduced herself after a quick conversation his attention was finally on her "and you my dear are? I don't believe we've met?"

Giggling softly at is she spoke her voice soft yet commanding "We wouldn't have, it's the first time I've been able to ever convince my father to let me out to play, Salome Levine at your service sir." Smith's smile seemed to widen at that as he gently kissed the back of her hand "I'm ever so glad he did Miss Levine".

Imani giggle bashfully at him "Just call me Salome sir, no need for formalities. That is more my father's cup of tea" Smith seemed pleased at this "Of course my dear only if you call me Jerry".

"Why of course Jerry!!" "Wonderful dear, now how would you like to dance with me? I've hired only the best for tonight" He motioned his hand towards Victor as Imani tilted her head "I'm afraid I'm unfamiliar but with the rumours I've heard about you I'm sure it will be splendid."

Jerry smiled down at her taking her arm and guiding her away from Chris towards Victor "All good things I'm sure, come I'll introduce you. You can even choose the first song" Imani giggle happily as she smiled at him "how delightful, I'd be honoured to as long as I have your first dance!" "Of course, my dear".

Keeping her smile on as they made their way towards the trio, she was internally panicking, she would be made almost instantly, Brandon would definitely recognise her, and she still wanted to kick Owen where the sun doesn't shine.

Marie had been silent in her ear apart from the occasional curse word and clacking of her keyboard. Imani knew she couldn't talk to much or they'd be made. "Owen, Victor, Brandon. Let me introduce you to Miss Salome Levine. I've done dealings with her father before but never met the man in person and he's finally let his gorgeous daughter out to play".

 Imani let out a fake laugh "He prefers to do dealings over the phone and has always worried to much about me, it took me months to convince him to let me out! It's a pleasure to meet you all".

Brandon didn't say anything his mouth slightly parted in shock, and it was in that moment she knew that they knew, and she was fucked, the mask didn't do shit to hide her identity. "A pleasure Miss Levine" Owen spoke with a tight smile at her.

 Imani smiled as if she had no clue who they were turning her attention to Victor "I hear you're our entertainment for tonight! Oh, I do hope you have el tango de roxanne, as something to be played it is one of my favourites!"

Before Victor could say anything, Jerry cut in "then it will be the first song played, just for you my dear" Imani happily clapped her hands in delight "oh how wonderful, I can't wait". "Then you shan't, shall we begin." Victor nods curtly before excusing himself as he walked to where the orchestra sits speaking quietly to the conductor who nods and quietly addresses the orchestra who prepare to play the song.

Jerry lead Imani to the centre of the dance floor, as she threw a smile to the still gobsmacked Brandon and Owen whose eyes watched her intently. Imani's gold backless dress shimmered with every graceful step she took, and Jerry's strong presence was impossible to ignore as all eyes turned to the duo who now stood in the centre of the dance floor.

The orchestra began to play the soft, seductive notes of El Tango de Roxanne filled the room as the two began to dance, Imani kept her eyes on Jerry's throughout the dance as they twirled and dipped with the music, but her gaze was not one of desire; it was one of calculation. She maintained the illusion of a passionate connection, Imani's whispers to him throughout were laced with false compliments and empty flattery, skilfully weaving a web of deception.

She flirted shamelessly, letting Jerry believe that her interest in him was genuine. He was falling for her charm, and she was content to let him, he was but a pawn in her hand.

And she wouldn't let him walk away, for he was falling into her web just as planned.

The audience around them was entranced by the spectacle of their dancing. They believed they were watching a couple immersed in the throes of desire, but Imani was a brilliant manipulator who was tugging the strings for her own benefit.

Imani let Jerry sink her low as their veiled faces drew closer as the music reached its peak. Despite the fact that it seemed to the bystanders to be a time of deep bonding, Imani simply saw it as another move in her meticulously planned game.

The audience cheered when they eventually spun apart. Jerry smiled triumphantly at her believing he was the one in control, yet Imani maintained her façade, using Jerry's infatuation to further her plan along. Their dance may have appeared passionate, but it was a performance in a larger drama that Imani was determined to see through to the end.

Before she could however say anything else movement behind her caused her to spin coming face to face with Owen his arm out.

"May I have this dance, Miss Levine?"

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