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Imani held tightly onto Marie's arm as they weaved their way through the crowded airport, being stopped every five minutes as they were checked over for any sign off infection.

They moved quickly heading towards a plane destined for the other side of the world. It would take them to a place that they could start their lives over in.


The girls hurried down to the gate, seeing the large plane through the windows. There was a small line of people waiting to board the plane, a sign near them saying there were nine spots left.

Joining the line, the sign counted down to seven. They were in.

They had chosen Australia as it was where Imani's family was, well her parents at least. She had no other living relatives as both her parents where only children and her grandparents had passed the year before.

Imani felt her heart jumping around, she was excited to see her parents again. She missed them. They would love Marie, they loved all of her friends.

Walking onto the tarmac her hair flew around widely as she grinned up at Marie, they were going home together.

As they settled into their seats side by side on the plane, they looked at each other, both looked weary and ready to give up yet in that moment they knew that as long as they stuck together, they would be just fine.

No matter what happened tomorrow, they'll always be there for each other.

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