Chapter 2: Breakdown

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/ New York City /

/ POV: America /

A light breeze blew through the drafts of my modern flat in New York, a second home of mine used for when I had UN meetings scheduled. Drowsily, I would glance at my phone, lighting up and buzzing with notifications as the UN meeting drew near. I, for one, was rather regretting this upcoming meeting, as I knew it would be a bore; the United Nations vote on global barley prices wouldn't be something even the CIA would be watching. Yet, being the personification of the world's sole superpower, I, the United States of America, would have to be there—even if it was only about some worthless leaves.

I would check the time— 8:33 AM. I breathed a sigh of relief, doing quick mental math and deducting that I hadn't slept in, and still had an hour and 30 minutes to get ready for the meeting. Perhaps I should try to drag one of my states along to the meeting, maybe New Y—

A faint ringing in my ears would grow louder and louder until it completely blocked out my thoughts, and along with it came an overwhelming feeling of guilt, crashing into me like a tidal wave...but for what? I hadn't done anything terribly wrong recently—unless...the guilt was coming from yelling at New York yesterday. No, not just yelling, making the assumption that New York, my most trusted advisor and son, would threaten or betray me. Self-hatred mixed with self-pity would bubble up like little bubbles of trauma in my mind.. Maybe I am a terrible father... maybe I am a terrible country.. though I tried to push away those terrible feelings, something in my mind was determined to make this experience as miserable as possible for me. You don't deserve self-pity! But I should apologize... Apologizing won't get you anywhere! I need to fix the problems you've created! You're an egotistical jerk, and all you are is just a burden on those around you! This final thought stung me, and deciding I had enough of arguing with myself, I'd bash my head against my nightstand repeatedly.. wishing the pain would just. go. AWAY-


After what seemed like a couple of moments, the ringing would subside, and I would take a deep, shaky breath. "That was certainly...strange," I'd mutter to myself, rubbing the spot where I had bashed my head against the nightstand. I'd flop back on my bed, feeling defeated and in a cold sweat after feeling like I had just woken up from a nightmare.

"I don't get why I'm overreacting so much," I'd grumble. "I've been through worse protests, what's so special about th—"

My train of thought was interrupted by a series of loud *PINGS* from my phone. Steadying my shaking hand, I'd reach out and pick up my phone to see about a thousand messages from my crazy little brother, Canada.

- - - - - - - - - - -

maplesyrupaddict: Where should we meet for the meeting? - 8:57 AM

maplesyrupaddict: I went inside. See you soon! - 9:05 AM

maplesyrupaddict: Where are you?? UN is getting annoyed.. - 9:22 AM

maplesyrupaddict: AME YOU'RE GONNA BE LATEEEE - 9:25 AM

maplesyrupaddict: AME - 9:26 AM

maplesyrupaddict: AME - 9:26 AM

maplesyrupaddict: AME - 9:26 AM

maplesyrupaddict: AME - 9:26 AM

maplesyrupaddict: AME - 9:26 AM

maplesyrupaddict: AMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE - 9:26 AM

- - - - - - - - - -

I'd look at the time— 9:27. I had three minutes until the UN meeting started— if I wanted to make it on time I'd have to rush. I'd quickly throw on a leather jacket, almost making it out the door before remembering my trademark sunglasses. I'd rush out into the rainy New York City weather, jumping in my car and making my way to the meeting. After all, it's just barley, what could go wrong?

- - - - - - - - - 

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, I'm writing this at 10 PM on the same day I've posted the Preface AND the first chapter, since I had a lot of motivation to write today. It's likely this book will have a lot of short chapters, so I can update often + people won't lose interest in the book. It's also likely this book may not be that long, but we'll see. Anyways, thanks for reading, and have a wonderful day/night!

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