Chapter 33

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Serena's POV:-

After; I informed Mama and aunt Delia, about my Ash's situation. Mama and aunt Delia came to see my Ash. Soon; Doctor; I mean; Brock also came to check on my Ash. He checked the my Ash's eyes and speaked to him; about, how he is feeling. After; checking and understanding my Ash's condition. Brock; who is the doctor. Told us; my Ash's condition was totally stabilized. Then; He also Informed and suggested the best things to do for my Ash. While; my Ash takes a proper bedrest and rehabilitation sessions. After that; Brock spoke to me. "I didn't seen you for a while now! Right!" He asked with a casual tone. "Yeah!" I wasn't in any kind of mood to talk much. "You're been a celebrity;.. I think from last couple of years or; So!". He asked me with a cheerful voice. "Yeah!... It's been a long, long and tiring couple of years!" I replied. As, I was thinking about the long days, I spent away from my mother, from my home and especially; from my Ash. I don't want this to continue like this. All I wanted is love and loved by my Ash. But; So far, process was decreasing. If; I have to say honestly; the connection between me and my Ash is beginning to crumble and fall apart. "I can understand your worries! But; Ash is Okay! Now! So; cheer up a bit. It's also necessary; that patient should be surrounded by happiness to make speedy recovery!". Brock said to me with smile. "Yeah!... Your probably right!" I said looking at my Ash as his gaze met mine. My Ash; He always spreads a happy vibes towards everyone around him. So; I should also do the same and support my Ash to speedy recovery. "Okay! Then; I will leave everything to you. And, if anything unusual happens; inform me right away! Okay!". Brock said to me to take care of my Ash. "Okay!" I said with a smile. After that; Brock left the room and went over to other patients. Shortly after; Gary came to see my Ash. "Hello!.. How are you doing my friend!" Gary said. "Why do you came back. Gary!" I questioned him. "I wasn't came here for you ma'am; I came for Ashy boy". Gary said seemly sarcastic. "Get ou- huh!" I was cut off by my Ash's faint voice. "Don't shout at him. Serena!" My Ash said to me. "Okay!.. I won't tell any thing to him!". I replied with annoyed expression caused by the presence of a human called 'Gary Oak'.

Ash's POV:-

Serena was sitting besides my bed. She was so considerate of me. But; the question was 'what do I do?'. I got to know; 'I can't run anymore'. So; what should I do?.

Grace's POV:-

Delia and I went to the hospital stuff leaving Ash in Serena's care. After getting all the required details about Ash's treatment. Delia and I exited the hospital for some talking and to meet someone.

Serena's POV:-

After mama and aunt Delia left for some unknown reason. I was left alone with my Ash. If it were any other situations not similar to this one. I would have been very, very happy. But; I don't want anything like this to happen at all. From the moment; I have heard about this. I have some questions about all this. 'Like; How in the world This happened? And; Why to my Ash of all the people?'. I want to ask all of these questions? But; I don't want to disturb my Ash by asking him questions like that. "Serena!" My Ash said looking at me. "Huh! Hmm!... Yes! Did you need some thing". My thoughts were interrupted by my Ash. "No! Nothing like that. Hmm! It's just.. you looked like; you were in some kind of deep thinking". My Ash asked me; what was I thinking so deeply. "Well I was? Hmm! Haa! I- well I!". I struggled to reply honestly to my Ash. But; saying it honestly is the best and it's a good chance to ask my questions as well. "I was.. I was thinking about How this accident happened?". I said with a calm tone. After hearing this; my Ash didn't respond. But; it did seem like he remembered something or trying to remember something. "And aslo; mama and every one tried to... hide this from.. me!". I voiced out my disappointment with looking down. My Ash didn't responded to this aswell. So; I asked one more question. Actually; this is the most important question for me. "Ash! Do you... Do you also don't want me... here?". I tried for an desperate answer from my Ash. "That's not what want? And... neither did everyone else also!". My Ash finally responded to me. But; that was not the answer; I wanted to hear from my Ash. I wanted to hear you say; You want me here; by your side always. But; I also know everything won't work as I please. So; it's better to hear. "So; you don't hide things like this from me, right!". It wasn't pleasing, but; it felt really good. "Yes! I won't hide... And; I'm sorry for making you worry". My Ash said that in an apologetical voice. "No! No! No need to be sorry! But; I.. I really... Thought you... *sobbing* you and everyone... *sobbing* don't wants me here". I wasn't able to hold my tears and started cry covering my mouth. "Please! Don't cry. I don't want you to cry. So; please! Please! Don't cry". My Ash slowly sat up on the bed and hugged me gently. "I was... *sobbing* I was so scared". I wasn't able to suppress my emotions even in my Ash's arms. "It's all Okay! Now!. So; please! Stop crying". My Ash tried continuesly to console me. But; my tear aren't stopping. My heart getting tighter and looser over and over again. I'll never let any thing like this to happen ever again.

Author's Note:
Sorry for not updating for couple of months or so. I was stuck with a problem of my Wattpad account. And that wasn't cleared up completely yet. So; updates would be slow.

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