Chapter 30

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Serena's POV:-
I found Ash's room and quickly opened the door to see my Ash. My Ash was lying on the bed, slightly wrapped up in bandages and wearing a oxygen mask. He still hasn't gained consciousness. I quickly rushed to Ash's side and held his hand in mine. "Ash!.. *sobbing* Ash!.., *sobbing* Please wake up *sobbing*. Please..! Wake up! *sobbing*" I was unable to hold back my emotions, anymore.

Grace's POV:-
As Serena came inside Ash's room. "Grace!.. how Serena came to know about this" Delia whispered to me. I looked down at the floor. "Come with me!" I whispered back and dragged Delia out of the room. "But wher- wait! Grace!" Delia said before we left the room. After, we left the room. We sat on the banches nearby. "Why did you wanted to come outside? And how did Serena found out about this? Who told her about this? Didn't you! Prevented them telling Serena about this-" I cut off Delia before, she can ask me more questions. "I told her about all of this" I said lowering my head. "But-But! Why did you do that?" Delia asked me. "I didn't had a choice" I said regretfully. "What are you talking?" Delia asked me confused.

Delia Ketchum's POV:-
"What are you talking?" I asked. Grace looked at me. In her eyes, I can clearly see pain. "Please!.. Please! You have to convince Ash to marry Serena. Please!.. I am begging you!" Grace said as tears started to flow down her cheeks. "Grace, calm down! I-I'll try, but, I can't give you assurance" I replied thinking of a way to convince Ash. "Please!.. you have to convince him, I beg you!" Grace pleaded me. "Don't say that, I-I'll convince him... somehow!" I said to calm her down. "You know! Don't you! Serena loves Ash so much! She is ready for anything, if it's for him. If-if, Serena wasn't able to marry him. She might -she might *sobbing* she might not want to *sobbing* want to live. So! Please! Please! *sobbing* I once again beg you for my daughter's *sobbing* my daughter's life" Grace said crying. I know that as well too. But, the circumstances are not very supportive. I would have already done their wedding ceremony if, if only Ash would have listened to me. "I can understand your feelings. Don't worry! I'll convince Ash somehow" I assured Grace. Yeah! I have to do something about it. I can't let this go on like this. I consoled Grace and then, we went inside the room where Ash is. I can still see, Serena crying next to Ash. It must be a huge shock for her.

Serena's POV:-
After, trying everything my Ash is still unconscious. My heart is paining so much, I tried to calm my heart. But, it won't listen to me. I was also not really able to calm myself. I continued to talk to my Ash. After few moments, "Serena, don't cry Ash will wake up soon. Then, you can talk to him" aunt Delia said keeping her hand on my shoulder. "Really! Really! Really! Does, My Ash, really wakes up soon" I asked. I was still feeling so anxious. I simply can't calm myself atleast, not right now!. "Yeah! He'll wake up soon" Aunt Delia replied. I stopped feeding insecured a bit, right now!. But, feeling of insecured wasn't fading away, until my Ash opens his eyes and starts to speak to me. "Serena!" Aunt Delia called me. "Huh!.. Aunt Delia" I replied in low voice. "I was meaning to ask you something" Delia aunt asked me. "O-Ok!.." I replied in confusion. "Do you want to marry my son!" Delia aunt asked. I couldn't find any words. I was frozen there for a few seconds. "I-I.. I doo..!" I said so nervously. I can feel my face burning up. My heart is racing so fast. I looked at my Ash. "I knew it! You are the one. who can love Ash, so much!" Aunt Delia exclaimed at me. I stood there, without any words coming out of my mouth. I was feeling like, I lost the ability to talk. Me marrying my Ash, is a dream come true. It was the only wish, I wished all my life.

Gary's POV:-
I was done talking to doctors, regarding Ash's condition. Now, I am heading towards to visit him. I soon reached the room and opened it. "I'm bac-" I got shocked seeing Serena, here. How can she be here. I personally left her at home. So, how did she find about this. As soon as, she sensed my presence. She looked at me with deadly glare. "I'll- I-I-" I wanted to speak. But, I couldn't after seeing that deadly eyes of her. "Gary! You came back! So, did your conversation with doctors, go well!" Aunt Delia asked me. I want to reply, but, her eyes are too, scary. I soon took cover behind, aunt Delia and aunt Grace. "What happened? Why are you so scared" aunt Delia asked me. "I-I am not scared!" I was said in pride. Coming out of their behind. But, then, I saw that scary eyes again. "Ok! I accept, I'm scared" I said. I again took cover behind them. "Ok! So, what are you scared of?" Aunt Grace asked me. "Come on! Aunt, who should know of all the people" I said in scared face. So, aunt Delia and aunt Grace realised it. "But, why is Serena mad at you?" Aunt Delia whispered to me. I face palmed hearing that. "You're the one, who made lie to her, in the first place" I whispered back. "Ohhh!" Aunt Delia as to go and do that. "Don't make her even more mad at me, please! I beg you!" I begged both the aunts. And now, I decided to face this danger head on. "So, Serena when did you get to know about this" I asked her.

Author's Note:- That's it for the chapter 30. Hope you'll enjoy reading it too. Stay tuned for more Amourshipping moments. And for now BYE.

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