Shadows of the Past

84 42 15

TW: Violence

In a forest shrouded in darkness the only sound that could be heard is the leaves gently rustling in the cool breeze.

Oliver Cromwell was sitting on the ground under a tree. The ground felt frigid underneath his hands. He gazed up at the stars in the clear sky through a gap in the trees.

After a few minutes he suddenly heard a twig snap and a quiet crackling noise. Oliver cautiously stood up and placed his hand on the hilt of his rapier gripping it tightly preparing to draw it.

Cautiously walking out from behind the tree the leaves crunching underneath his feet. He stopped and stood there and began to search the darkness of the forest looking for the source of the sound. His heart pounding in his chest like a drum.

Suddenly he sensed the familiar yet terrifying presence of the man who threatened his life six nights ago. Drawing his rapier he began to cautiously walk through the forest taking slow and tentative steps while scanning the darkness as if he was a predator stalking his prey.

A couple of minutes later he was roughly shoved up against a tree with his rapier being dropped in the commotion. Oliver stared into Silas' glowing purple eyes and he also noticed a silver poniard pointed close to his throat. He continued to anxiously stare at slender blade shining in the moonlight awaiting the killing blow.

Silas firmly gripped Oliver's right shoulder with his left hand and pressed him hard up against the tree.

"I want to know what your true intentions are," Silas said coldly. "I know what you did before death claimed your soul. Now tell me."

"On what right do I have to tell you?" Oliver asked.

"You keep forgetting I have the power to kill you right here right now," he said moving the dagger closer to Oliver's throat. "I have never been afraid to kill. I have killed many in my life."

Oliver went to try and move away but Silas moved his hand from Oliver's shoulder and immediately grabbed Oliver's throat. Oliver felt himself barely able to breathe. He also felt the panic starting to rise inside his chest.

"I killed a man when I was only thirteen. I was visiting a cousin in Ireland. I saw my cousin die by that mans hand. So I beat that man to death with my bare hands then cut out his heart," he said darkly. "I could kill you here and now if you so desire."

"I will not let you know anything about my plans," he said his voice barely above a whisper. "Now leave me in peace and stop following me."

"I will not stop following you until you give up your intentions," he said while lowering the poniard down and over to where Oliver's heart is. "Don't make me do this the hard way. I do still want you alive."

Oliver cautiously gripped Silas' left wrist and began trying to pry Silas' hand off his throat. Silas silently watched Oliver and began to smile finding some amusement in the situation. After a few minutes Oliver loosened his grip and then let go realizing that such an act is hopeless and could possibly anger Silas further.

"I have seen you pray every morning and every evening for the safety of your children," he said while glaring into Oliver's eyes. "I lost my faith in the Lord many years ago when my parents and my siblings were murdered. I lost everything. I also had a wife but she died from a sickness. I left my three sons behind after killing the ones who murdered my family. The Lord knows that I have sinned and didn't offer protection to my family."

"What are you trying to say?" he asked with confusion.

"I'm saying that why should the Lord offer protection to your children? When you have ordered many men, women and children to die," he replied. "You have blood on your hands to. Men have also fallen by your sword. Yet the Lord still protects you and your family."

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