A Journey into Darkness

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In a dark cave only dimly lit by a purple hue coming from a mysterious lake. Three figures cloaked in darkness walked over to the edge of the lake.

The tallest of the figures raised his right hand. Suddenly the center of the lake started violently bubbling as something started slowly rising to the surface.

Eventually a large glowing purple orb emerged from the lake. The figure lowered his hand and put it down by his side.

The cave was now completely lit up by the purple glow coming from the orb.

"Silas why have you bought us here?" one of the figures asked.

"I have sensed something that hasn't been sensed in many years," Silas replied.

"What did you sense Silas?" the other figure asked.

Silas quietly sighed to himself he then crouched down and placed his hand in the water and started swirling it around. The sound of the water splashing echoed throughout the cave.

After a couple of minutes projections of six compasses appeared around the purple orb. Silas then stood up and gazed at the projections.

"You sensed the magic coming from one of the First Guardians compasses?" one of the figures asked.

"Yes one of the compasses is active again," Silas replied.

"I thought they were all destroyed," one of the figures said.

"No only four of them were destroyed. The one that has just became active hasn't been active in 45 years," Silas replied. "While the other hasn't been active in almost two centuries. Since this certain King of England used it."

Four of the projections vanished while the other two began to slowly spin around the orb. The two other figures gazed down at the lake then a few minutes later they glanced up at the spinning projections.

Silas then raised both of his hands and a couple of minutes later the projections stopped spinning around the orb. Lowering his hands down to his side he then calmly sighed.

"Silas do you know who is possibly coming to this place?" one of the figures asked.

"I sense the former Lord Protector," Silas replied. "Oliver Cromwell is going to come here."

"Oliver Cromwell? How is that pos-"

"I don't know how it's possible Alastair."

Silas stepped away from the edge of the lake and wandered behind Alastair and the other figure. He then started to pace back and forth. Alastair and the other figure turned around and glanced at Silas with concern.

Silas thought to himself with concern. "How has Oliver Cromwell returned? I sensed him die. Yet I also sensed him some how return to this world. I don't understand how this is possible."

"Silas do you know why Oliver Cromwell would come here?" Alastair asked with curiosity and slight concern.

Silas stayed silent and continued to pace back and forth. Multiple thoughts were swirling in his head and he was trying to understand what was going on.

Eventually after a few minutes Silas stopped pacing and took a deep breath and shut his eyes. Blocking out his surroundings he began to focus on his thoughts and tried to piece everything together.

Silas thought to himself with curiosity. "Oddly I sense that Oliver Cromwell's powers have been drained a lot. I remember when he was one of the most powerful users of dark magic. His powers would have almost been able to rival mine at one point. Now they are at the point where they are almost unusable."

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