
111 47 52

TW: Violence.

Oliver Cromwell had exited his bedroom and listened to the rain beating down on the wooden roof. Suddenly a bright flash shone through a nearby window lighting up the dawn lit halls of the house. Thunder rumbled overhead.

Oliver felt a sudden coldness in the air which caused him to start buttoning up his plain black coat. Reaching into his coat pocket he grabbed some leather gloves which felt cold and smooth to the touch. Putting on his gloves he felt his hands slowly starting to warm up.

Oliver began to walk down the hallway which caused some of the wooden floorboards to creak as he stepped on them. Walking past Richard's room he heard some loud incoherent grumbling and a sudden bang. Oliver dismissed this knowing that Richard is still bitter about the King being in charge and that it's best not to disturb him and let him calm down.

A couple of minutes later he reached Henry's room and stopped as he noticed that the door was open slightly. This concerned Oliver slightly as he knew that it was unusual for Henry to leave the door open. He pushed the door, feeling the large weight of it as he pushed it open.

Gazing at a burnt out candle on a desk in the room he slowly raised his hand and aimed his index finger at the candle. He felt a sudden surge of dark magic rush through his veins and a tingly feeling in his hand. A small dark purple bolt of energy shot from Oliver's finger and lit the candle. This lit up the room slightly with a purple hue.

Oliver entered the room and shifted his eyes to the floor, noticing a pair of black breeches, a white shirt with long ruffled sleeves, and a plain black waistcoat strewed out across the floor.

He approached the wooden desk avoiding the clothing on the floor and noticed a golden pocket watch on the ground. Grabbing the pocket watch off the floor he felt the small weight of it. As he opened the pocket watch he heard the quiet ticking and he also noticed that it was broken and stuck on five minutes to one.

Oliver closed the pocket watch and placed it on the desk. Upon placing it on the desk he noticed a small black leather diary along with a quill that had been snapped in half.

Grabbing the diary he opened it up and smelt the mustiness as he gently turned every page until he got halfway through it and stopped as he saw a concerning entry.

May 25, 1661
I don't feel welcome at home. Father has returned but he still seems upset with me for not using my powers. I can't use them! I have almost died using them but he doesn't understand that! I feel like I need to leave my brother and father and just be alone somewhere that I feel like I belong. I deserve to be alone...I don't feel loved.

Oliver closed the diary and placed it back down next to the snapped quill. Cold tears started to slowly run down his cheeks as he felt deep regret for what he had said yesterday.

A couple of minutes later he heard a loud creak behind him and shifted his attention to Richard who was standing there doing up the buttons on his coat. Richard noticed the tears that slowly streamed down his father's face like raindrops running down a window. Oliver averted his gaze down to the corner of the room Richard went to approach his father but Oliver signaled Richard to stop.

Richard immediately stopped in his tracks and Oliver dismissed Richard with a wave of his hand. Richard wandered down the hall feeling concerned about his father.

Oliver took a deep breath and felt a sense of calmness slowly wash over him. As if a warm and comfy blanket was wrapped around him allowing the dark, cold, and gloomy feeling to dissipate. Closing his eyes he began to sense where Henry had gone.

After a couple of minutes, he sensed Henry's rage which felt like a blazing fire. But he also sensed a sudden chilliness which caused his hands to tremble slightly even though he wasn't cold. He knew that Henry liked practicing his powers somewhere alone and in a calming place with a view of the landscape.

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