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The locker room is loud around me as I peel off my pads. Practice was rough today and I want nothing more than to lie down with some good food, but instead, I agreed to help Jason set up the rest of his venue. But I can't complain too much, he made sure to get Ace to help too. Getting a whole afternoon with him doesn't sound terrible to me. 

"Aaron," Ace shoves my shoulder," Jesus, I've been calling your name, are you ready to go or not? I'd rather not be waiting up all night for you."

"Got a hot date or something," I tease as I gather the rest of my things and get dressed. I hope he doesn't say yes.

Ace rolls his eyes," I'm not dating right now."

I snort," Good answer because any other answer than me would have been wrong. No one is hotter than me."

"Sure, sure," Ace pats my shoulder twice before shoving me toward the door of the locker room," Let's go Ron Weasley."

"Hey, he gets hot toward the end of the series," I point out with a smirk. 

Ace just laughs and I admire it. Is it self-deprecating to still be stuck on the same guy since high school? Maybe. But does my heart or mind seem to care? No. He might come around to liking me or he might not. No matter what I'll be happy if he is. 

I flop into the passenger seat of Ace's car and he drives us to the venue we were at only a few days ago. The wedding is tomorrow and Jay seems to be freaking out about the tiny details. Emery doesn't even know we're here because she's at a late practice. Jason is pacing outside the venue, phone in hand, when we pull up. 

"Finally," He grabs our shoulders, pushing us toward the doors," I want to make sure everything looks fine and get the last things out. I don't want to worry about it tomorrow." 

"Jay, my bestest of friends," I wrap my arm around his shoulders," Anything you want will be done, but we already set things up. Everything is done."

"But the flowers-"

"The flowers will wilt if we set them out tonight," Ace saves me from stumbling for an excuse," Let the staff get the last details tomorrow. For now, why don't we get a few drinks? Emery can meet us there."

I flash him a thankful smile and I melt when I see his ears turn pink and he looks away. He always gets a little flustered when I'm around him even if he doesn't like me. We decide to go to Jason's house for drinks instead of a bar and we're all laughing together when Emery arrives. 

She smiles at each of us before kissing Jay quickly," I didn't think you two were coming over," She raises a questioning eyebrow in my direction and I quickly shake my head," What's the occasion?"

"Nothing special," Ace smiles, kissing the side of her head as he passes," Just our best friends last night of being engaged."

Emery snorts," It's not that big of a deal."

"Well, it is to us," I raise my beer to her," Now,  get a beer, bride-to-be, we need to watch some movies and play some games."


It's almost midnight and we're all still in one place. Jay and Em are cuddled in a chair and Ace and I are on the couch. We've been watching random movies for most of the night but Ace has been on and off his phone. I can see his mood shifting as the night continues but I don't know what it's from. I want to know but he isn't one to talk about his personal problems. 

Ace sets his phone down again and I kick his foot gently. When he glances at me I mouth," Everything okay?"

He just gives one nod but I can read on his face that it isn't. His phone dings again and when he picks it up his face completely falls. I'm fast to grab his phone to see what he's looking at and it takes me three times reading it before it finally clicks in my brain. It's an article with a video of him admitting he's trans and now it's all over the internet. He's tried so hard to keep that fact quiet and now it's out for the world to see. 

Ace snatches the phone back and shoves it into his pocket," It's fine, I'm fine. I'm just gonna go home. Are you coming with or staying here?"

"What happened?" Jay is fast to stand and Emery is even faster to reach Ace. 

"It doesn't matter," Ace pushes Emery away," I love you both but I want to go home. Aaron, are you coming with me?"

It takes me a second before I finally follow him out of the door. I don't know what to do to help because it is clearly not fine that it just got leaked. I reach for his arm but he pushes me off and I accept he doesn't want to talk about it right now. The ride to my house is silent and when he stops outside of it I wait a moment before I move. 

"I'm sure everything will be fine," I try my best to reassure him," We'll figure something out, and no matter what I'm by your side."

I can see the tears form as his eyes soften but he shakes his head," If something happens I don't want you risking your career for me, but thank you."

"I don't give a damn about my career when it comes to you," A tear falls from his eyes and I'm fast to wipe them away," If you go down, I go down."

"Thank you, Aaron."

"Just focus on our best friend's wedding," I tell him, squeezing his shoulder," Then we'll figure something out."

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