The Oath

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 Orion leaned against the wooden railing that lined the ship, staring down as sea-green waves crashed against the dark wood. The soft wind blew his hair forward, the exact direction the sails had been facing. Moonlight approached him, her arms resting on the railing.

"You wanted to talk with me?" She asked, her subtle voice taking Orion from his thoughts. The boy faced her, his dark purple eyes cleared of worry or pain.

"I've made a decision." The boy stood upright, his hands clinging onto the railing. "I'm not going to come back here." Moonlight seemed surprised at the fact.

"What? Why, I thought you loved the Enchanted Realm?" She replied.

"I do, it's just–a human doesn't belong here." He confessed. "This place is so...majestic." He continued. "I'd hate to see it ruined by my kind." He expressed sorrow in his voice. "I have to leave the Realm. For good, this time." Moonlight diverted her attention to the crashing waves, her eyes heavy with sorrow. "I don't know how much more pain I can take." Orion continued. "I have no other choice. I'm sorry."

"I understand." Moonlight said, continuing to not look at the boy. The ship creaked as it slowed. The sails were raised, and now the ship could only rely on its current speed.

"We're approaching the Outer Islands." S. F. stated from the crow's nest. "Keep her steady, Captain."

"Aye." Pyrrum replied from the wheel.

"I'll go tell the others." Orion beckoned himself away from the railing. He walked below deck, leaving Moonlight to wonder why the boy always received the suffering. Her thoughts returned, memories of the humans playing themselves back. The image of Orion lingered for much longer than the others. She knew how she felt towards him; but she accepted his decision. The ship pulled into port, with the humans, Moonlight, and the Commander taking their leave. The ship left shortly thereafter, with Pyrrum and Orion giving each other a subtle nod.

S. F. immediately began to walk towards the forest. "The portal requires perfect dimensional alignment. If not, you might be sent to some strange cartoon dimension or something." With hazy eyes and a beaten body, Orion walked at the end of the line. S. F. ducked into an alleyway within the port, taking his gun from his waist. The fox took another device from his side. It resembled a telescope, but holding multiple lenses and patterned with glowing white lines. The fox put the telescope to his eye, looking up into the sky. A switch on his weapon–seemingly the safety trigger– clicked, and S. F. aimed at the wall behind him. "3..." He whispered. There was a long pause between his counting. "2..." His tail flicked impatiently. "1." He pulled the trigger back, with the gun emitting a dull light as it cracked against the wall. The wall spread outward, revealing a void-like expanse beyond. The void crackled into the scenery of an empty warehouse, devoid of sound and light. Browning leaves decorated the ground. S. F. took the telescope back to his side, looking into the gateway. "Here it is. Your way home." He stated. "The gateway can only stay open for fifteen minutes, so get out of here quickly." Cassidy leaped into the rift, her position freezing on the other side–either that or she was slowed down tremendously–. Cory and Izzylyn nodded at each other before walking beyond the Enchanted Realm and back into their home. Orion looked at Moonlight.

"I guess this is it." The boy said. "My final adventure, coming to an end." Moonlight threw her arms around the boy.

"I'll miss you." She whispered. She slowly backed away, doing her best to keep her tears in. "I accept your decision."

"I'll miss you, too." Orion replied. The rift began to crackle. He slowly backed into it, his tears fading as his body fell back into the Human World. The rift closed within a second after, leaving Moonlight and S. F. to blankly stare at the clay wall. S. F. nodded towards Moonlight before exiting the alley. Moonlight closed her eyes and dipped her head solemnly.

"Goodbye, Orion Darkheart."

The End?

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