The Pirate

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 Orion gripped his shoulder.

How am I gonna explain this to Jared? He thought.

"At least we finished all of them off." Cory remarked, out of breath. It had taken a while, but Moonlight, Cassidy, Cory, Izzylyn, and Orion had taken down all of the attackers. "Who even are they anyway?"

"They call themselves the Bandits of the Isles." Moonlight explained, tending to Orion's wound. "They think they're the smartest, strongest, and most intimidating people in all of the Enchanted Isles."

"Some bandits they are." Orion stated. He winced as Moonlight touched his shoulder. "They had the nerve to mess with us. Luckily, they didn't get away with it."

"Or this." Izzylyn remarked, holding up a golden, jeweled necklace with the face of a wolf on it. "Looks like an heirloom or something." Moonlight nodded. One of the lizard-men came back with a sack full of items. He set the sack on the ground, and opened it. Orion was barely able to peer in. Inside, he was able to see some bandages, by the looks of it. The lizard-man took the crude bandage and wrapped it around Orion's shoulder.

"The leaves from the Omnul tree should help." The lizard-man explained. Orion used his open hand to get to his feet. As soon as he got up, a shadow leaped over them, onto the next building.

"I've been here two times before, and I have never seen a shadow like that." Cory stated. Moonlight gripped onto one of the sandstone bricks, and started to climb up the building.

"What're you doing?" Orion asked.

"Seeing who made that shadow." Moonlight replied. She saw no more bricks to grab onto, and she was only halfway up.

Now I know what Jared meant by Moonlight being crazy. Orion thought. Moonlight took a deep breath, and leaped up. She put her hands above her, and firmly gripped the building's ledge. Yep. Moonlight's crazy. Orion told himself. Moonlight pulled herself up, then looked down at the others. Moonlight looked back, and saw something drop down from another building not far away.

"The thing's in an alleyway. I'll go ahead." Moonlight explained. With that said, she took off after the creature, leaping over each alleyway.

"We gotta catch up to her." Orion suggested. He stopped outside the alleyway, and just witnessed the shadow run across the street. That thing's fast! He thought. The boy sprinted into the alleyway the creature ran into, and cornered it. "Gotcha!" He exclaimed.

"What are ye chasin' afta, fleshy fellow?" The creature wondered. It stood on its hind legs, and Orion could make out the shape of a hook on the creature's left hand. Moonlight appeared behind Orion, and looked over his shoulder.

"Wait a minute." Moonlight started. She walked closer to the creature. "You're Captain Pyrrum?"

"Aye, lass. Ye be correct at that." The captain responded. A match lit from the captain's coat, and he pulled it out unscathed. Orion examined the creature. It looked just like the picture from Cassidy's bedroom.

"I feel like I know you from somewhere." Orion stated.

"Well, I get that a lot. Especially from the children of this town." Foxy replied. The lizard-men arrived with Cory, Izzylyn, and Cassidy. "Who even are ye lads and lasses anyway?" The captain wondered.

"The small one is my sister, Cassidy. She's a big fan of yours." Orion stated. Cassidy ran over and jumped onto his torso, and hugged him tightly. "She also kicks really hard." Orion continued. "This is Izzylyn." The boy pointed to the brown-haired girl. "She's the strongest out of all of us." Moonlight punched Orion's shoulder. "This is Moonlight, a human-wolf hybrid. She knows the mainland like the back of her hand."

"As do I, lad." Pyrrum strained his voice. Orion pulled Cassidy off, but it took some effort.

"This guy is Cory. He made a plan out of a movie reference. Very resourceful." Cory popped his knuckles. "And, finally, I'm Orion. Inventor, and trouble always follows me around in this realm."

"Pleasure to meet ye all." The captain bowed. "I am Captain Pyrrum. Captain of the Wolf Spirit, and professional pyromaniac." The captain flicked his tail and fixed his hat. "How about I introduce ye to me crew?"

"Good idea to me." Cory said. He turned around, and saw the lizard-men pointed their spears at them.

"That, we're afraid, won't happen." One of them said.

"Gessel, what are you doing?" Moonlight asked. "I thought you were on our side." The lizard-man shook his head and chuckled.

"The Bandits pay us well. And, there is a very reasonable price on your head, Captain." Gessel stated. "So we'll be taking him with us."

"Not on my watch, buddy." Cory replied, kicking the lizard across his face.

"Get them!" Gessel ordered, coughing up bits of blood. Foxy reached into his coat and pulled out a flintlock pistol, but it looked modified.

Click. Click. Click. The captain pulled the hammer back all the way, and aimed at the lizard-men.

"Best if ye take cova, friends." The captain spoke calmly, slowly squeezing the trigger back. Orion pulled Cory and Izzylyn onto the ground, and that was enough for Pyrrum. "See ya in the Vault, lads."

Bang! Bang! Bang! The gun fired three times, and all the lizard-men fell to the ground. Gessel ran past the alleyway, coughing blood. "Best ye run away, ye coward!" Foxy called. "Now, how about we go meet me crew now?" Cassidy nodded without hesitation. "Alright then." The captain walked out of the alleyway, and turned right towards the beach.

"Let the adventure begin." Orion spoke with a smile on his face.

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