Relic of Ice

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 Archie walked through the cold, icy hallways of the labyrinth. Orion stood beside him.

"So, what did you mean about Pyrrum being your brother earlier?" Orion wondered.

"We are both wolves, surprisingly." Archie replied, his voice rougher than concrete. He looked around a corner. Nothing but empty cells and spikes sticking out of the ceiling and walls. "I am an albino wolf, much like my friend, Everest."

"How'd you and Everest meet?" Orion wondered, wanting to know more about the mysterious wolf.

This kid asks too many questions. Archie thought. "We met during a cell transfer. She took a liking to me. But not the type you are believing. She revealed to me that she has a fond liking of creatures the same gender as her." Orion looked around a corner, and saw another Ice Giant. He pushed Archie backwards, and shushed him. The Ice Giant's heavy feet thudded against the floor as he walked by the hallway, not noticing the group. "We exchanged names, and started revealing secrets about each other."

"Did you two get to eat anything? Like, bread crumbs or something?" Orion inquired.

"We were fed frozen fish. It disgusts me now." Archie stated. "That is enough questions." Orion nodded, and the group continued through the hallways. Every hallway looked more detailed the further they went. Eventually, the group reached a large dome. Four hallways, including the way they came from, made them wonder which way was correct.

"Which way do we go?" Cassidy wondered.

"Up." Archie stated, looking through a large tunnel above them. The wolf looked down, and wrapped his hand around a circular stone. The room rumbled as he turned it, and the dome started to glow. "Everyone, inside the circle." Archie barked as he coughed up more blood. Everybody walked onto a circle that glowed differently than the rest of the room. It rumbled, then slowly went upward through the tunnel.

"There might be more Ice Giants up there. Everybody, take your pick." Everest suggested, putting the backpack onto the stone. Izzylyn reached in and pulled out a machete and a sack of kunai. Orion took a pair of arni sticks. Cory pulled two small hammers.

"I like these already." Cory chuckled. Archie took a hunting knife.

"This will suffice." The albino wolf stated. The elevated stone reached the top, and Everest was right. There were multiple Ice Giants standing around the circle staring down at the group. Orion leaped onto an Ice Giant's head, and shoved the arni into its head multiple times. Surprisingly, the ice broke against it. Before long, one of the multiple Ice Giants were defeated. Cory bashed an Ice Giant's legs, then finished it off by breaking its head with another hammer.

"Let's dance, Olaf!" Orion joked. He hit another Ice Giant with the arni sticks, but the Ice Giant retaliated by throwing Orion into a wall. "Ow." Orion groaned.

"Get ova 'ere, ya overgrown ice cube!" Pyrrum yelled, charging into the same Ice Giant that threw Orion. He slashed the Ice Giant with his hook, and continued to stab it multiple times. Now, only four were left. Archie threw the hunting knife into an Ice Giant's head, then pulled it down. The hunting knife broke through the Ice Giant's head, and Archie grabbed it.

"That's for my eye." Archie spoke, his voice still rough. He coughed up blood onto the Ice Giant's back, then he went towards another Ice Giant storming towards him. Mid-Dark and Everest leaped onto the Ice Giant and repeatedly broke it apart. Orion struggled to get up before another Ice Giant pushed him into the wall again. Orion pulled out a lighter from his pocket.

"Humanity's best creation. Fire!" Orion explained. He forced it closer towards the Ice Giant as it pushed Orion deeper into the wall. Then, a ball of fire hit the Ice Giant in the back.

"Kid's right. Fire is effective!" Pyrrum called. His hand burst into flames, and the captain ran towards the creature and plunged his fist into its back. The creature melted down to nothing but a small, dull spike of ice.

"Since when could you do that?" Orion wondered.

"Haven't done that for half a decade, lad." The captain said, catching his breath.

"HELP ME!" Cassidy yelled. The last Ice Giant stormed after Cassidy. Archie threw his hunting knife at the creature's leg. The Ice Giant fell to its knees, but it still went after Cassidy. Orion sprinted after the Ice Giant.

"Nobody messes with my sister!" He yelled. Orion jumped onto the Ice Giant's back and tortured it by whacking and stabbing the Ice Giant's head repeatedly. Eventually, the Ice Giant had too many hits and stabs in its head to keep living. Orion jammed the arni sticks into the creature's head.

"Remind me not to get on the lad's bad side." The captain whispered to Izzylyn. "So, Archie, are we good to get out of here?" He turned, and found his older brother staring at a wall. "Archie?"

"There's something behind it." Archie stated, coughing up more blood. Mid-Dark broke open the wall, and Archie was right. There was something behind the wall. A pendant. Its silver glimmered in the light of the ice around it. "So those legends are true..." Archie whispered. He reached for the pendant, and felt a shrill wind against his fur. Archie grabbed the pendant, and the wind stopped. And so did the coughing. But his voice still sounded hoarse. The wolf set the pendant around his neck, and felt different.

"Good Son of Solan. The Relic of Ice." Everest whispered, her breath showing in the cold prison.

"Not exactly time to celebrate now!" Cory exclaimed, looking towards another group of Ice Giants. "I don't think these weapons will do much!"

"I know what will." Archie stated. He stormed towards the Giants, the pendant glowing brightly around his unkempt pelt. His hands curled into furry fists, and ice started to slowly strafe upward from the stone. "This is for all the pain!" Archie yelled. The ice shot up into one of the Giants' chest. More spikes surged from the ground and into the Ice Giants. They cracked, and shattered into thousands of pieces.

"Holy crap! Now that's what you call backup!" Orion exclaimed.

"There will be more shortly. We must hurry if we are to escape." Archie ordered. The ice spikes sunk into the cold stone again as the pendant's glow slowly vanished. The wolf walked forward, with the others following close behind.

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