Fast Food

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While the elevator began to descend, you sat there, still that crazed look in your eyes but no outlet to let it out on.

After seconds of this, you couldn't help but do something, so you began to bob your head back and forth to the music.

That stopped however as the elevator halted at the next floor. Not even a second later the doors opened and you were my with a guard confusedly looking at his phone.

His eyes went to you, then to his phone, then to you in utter shock.

Your response to this was to put a finger over your mouth and whisper a faint shhhhh before knocking the man out and dragging his body into the elevator.

As you hurriedly pressed the button that indicated for the doors to close, you thought you could hear the now familiar sound of numerous footsteps getting closer and closer by the second.

Deciding to ignore that red flag, you attempted to lift the body up as the doors once again shut.

Two more floors down, they opened, and three guards were met with the sight of another guard inside the elevator.

"Oh, hi Larry"

One of them waved towards the single one who was backed up into the corner, a dumb look on their face.

The man nodded, his sunglasses covering his eyes but not enough for the three to not see his empty expression.

While one of the men began to converse with the out-of-it lackey, the man who spoke earlier grabbed the other guard next to him and motioned for him to lean his head in close.

Doing so with a confused expression, the original guard whispered something.

"We don't have a Larry"

Slowly, the man turned his head back towards the dumbfounded guard, and with this new information, despite how he looked, he was scared.

A second later, "Larry" was flung at the two, and you popped out from behind him, ducking low and coming up with an uppercut to the lackey you were pretending to talk to.

One clean connection and he was out.

Before the other hires could recover from having a body flung at them, you were already there. Grabbing the back of the shirt of one guard, you brought them back and down, and your knee forward and up.

Your knee connected clean with their gut, and as you could feel them lose their breath you also raised your leg, stopping a kick from the remaining enemy while keeping your grip on the previous guard.

Stopping another kick that would've hit your side, you returned with a side-kick that they also managed to block, but the move did it's job as it caused them to have the wind knocked out of them and create distance for yourself.

Once again kneeing your captive just in case he had come back to his senses, you locked both arms around his neck as if you had him in a guillotine. Then, you took a step backwards and used the man as leverage to lift yourself up, placing your feet along the walls of the elevator and running along it to dodge a kick.

Giving a flying one of your own on the way down to the one you dodged, you planted your feet back onto the ground and lifted the trapped guard's head upwards.

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