Chapter Twenty Four - Perrie [explicit]

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"I can't feel my face," Jisung mumbles as Chan and I place him into the passenger seat of the car, "I danced too much."
"I think you mean your feet, Jisungie," Minho says gently as he scoots into the seat behind him and pats Jisung's arm.
"It'll be okay," I say as I wind myself out of Jisung's grip, "Just think of your soft bed at home and all the sleep you're going to get tonight."
Jisung only mumbles, already halfway disappeared in dreamland.

The night was incredible.
After the whole scene with Moon, I spent another two hours on the dance floor with the boys.
He didn't bother us again, and I did my best to ignore him completely.
Luckily, nothing else much matters whenever I'm with Chan, so ignoring Moon was as easy as breathing.

And I think the boys had fun.
Actually, I know they enjoyed themselves. Hyunjin and Felix spent the entire night dancing, chatting up a few others on the dance floor. Changbin, Seungmin, and Jeongin seemed a bit more hesitant at first, but soon they relaxed as well, solidifying their place in the middle of the dance floor with every new song.
Minho and Jisung danced with each other, mostly, towards the sides of the dance floor.
Jisung looked real shaky at the start, gripping his drink like his life depended on it, but Minho being there with him seemed to calm him.

Hyunjin, Felix, and Seungmin are asleep in the second car when Chan and I finally sit down between them.
The car rolls away from the club; Chan turns to me.
His cheeks are rosy, even in the dim light of the city cloaked in night, and his smile is bright.
"Thank you," he murmurs as he takes my hand in his and pulls me close until I can place my head on his shoulder, "I've had an incredible time tonight. We all did, actually. You don't even know what this means to us."

I look at him, my heart beats a hundred miles an hour.
I answer, "I'm glad I could share this with you."
My body is tired, but my mind is alive.
I don't want to be alone yet.
I take a breath. "Stay with me tonight."
Chan blinks, wordless for a moment.
Then he grins and bends down to kiss me softly, lingering against my lips a moment.
"Okay," he says then.

We get there quickly, and Chan and I climb out of the car over still sleeping Seungmin. Felix waves, tired, as they drive off.
Chan will see them tomorrow.
This night is ours.

The quiet of my apartment is heavy when I open the door, almost tangible on my skin.
I leave the big lights off, only lighting up the small ones in the bookshelves for the right ambience.
"So-..." Chan looks at me, slightly unsure.
I grin.
"Feeling shy?"
Chan scrunches his face together, scratching his neck.
"Maybe a little," he answers then, but I put my hands around his middle and press a kiss on his cheek.
"Let me take care of you."

I pull him into my bathroom and take out a spare toothbrush before squeezing toothpaste on it, then on my own.
We brush our teeth, standing side by side in the bathroom mirror, then I take off my make up and wash my face, before I watch Chan do the same. I let him share my toner and moisturizer.
"I'll be there in a second," I tell him as he moves towards the bedroom and go to grab a bottle of water from the kitchen.

I'm my bedroom, Chan stands kind of lost next to my bed, looking out the window.
I connect my phone with my speaker and play some music for us in an effort to relax Chan.
He seems so rigid, like he doesn't know what to do with himself.
"Come here," I say to him and hold out my hand. He takes it right away.
I pull him in until we stand face to face, barely more than an inch between us.
I pull my hair over my shoulder and turn my back towards him.
"Help with my dress?"

Chan clears his throat, but his fingers find the hidden zipper between my shoulder blades.
He fidgets with it for a second, before he finally pulls it all the way down.
I lean into his touch, his fingertips barely grazing my skin. So gentle.
I am getting goosebumps and shiver.
The zipper halts right on top of my tailbone and I can hear Chan suck in his breath.
Slowly, his fingers push down the delicate strings around my shoulders until the dress is bound to fall off my body, but not quite there yet.

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