Chapter Twenty Three - Perrie

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He still smells the same.
Like worn leather and a heavy, exhausting perfume.
He still looks the same, too, which shouldn't susprise me.
Moon's always liked his signature look to be flashy and dark.
Looking at him makes me nauseous.

Still, I turn to face him with cold eyes.
"I'm not your babe," I say to him and wind myself out of his arm. "And I don't want to talk to you, Moon."

Moon and I have history equal to the one shared between England and all the countries it tried to colonize.
He tried to swallow me whole and called it 'saving me'.
And for a while, I let him.
We were a pretty pair of artists.
Until we weren't and he broke my heart.
And I swore to myself I'd never talk to him again.

The only reason Jin lets him play in Flamingo is that he's so fucking good at his job.
He's an incredible DJ, mixes music like no other. The crowds love him, he brings in twice the money any other DJ does.
Flamingo needs him.
But I don't.

"Oh, come on," he murmurs now, his voice soft and sultry. I used to love listening to him speak.
"Are you still hung up on all that? That's in the past, Perrie, I'm a different man," he adds.
"I don't care," I answer but Moon's attention drifts towards someone behind me.
"Why don't you introduce me to your new boo, Per-Bear?"

I can feel Chan step up behind me, and I immediately lean back a tiny bit until my shoulder grazes his chest.
Moon is tall, and Chan has to look up at him, but that doesn't make Chan less intimidating.
Chan holds out his hand towards Moon.
"Bang Chan. Pleasure to meet you," he takes a deep breath and puts his other hand on my waist from behind. "But Perrie doesn't want to talk to you. I think it's best if you respect her wishes."

Moon doesn't shake Chan's hand. He doesn't even look at him for more than a few seconds, before bending down to me and raising an eyebrow.
"That's the guy you've been hanging with lately? Please, sweetheart-... What do you want from him? Don't you remember the fun we used to have?"
I take a step back and narrow my eyes as I stare at him, disgust growing inside of me.
"I remember you cheating on me," I answer as calmly as possible, "On my birthday, of all days. I remember you lying to me for weeks. So no, I don't remember any fun. And I don't want to talk to you. So go away."
I glance at the security guards by the bar, scanning the room.
I'd only have to raise my arm to get them involved, it would be quick.

"Go away before I get security, Moon," I start raising my arm, but Moon holds up both his hands, defeatedly.
"Fine, Jesus Christ," he murmurs and rolls his shoulders, "But I know you miss me, Fireball."
I have always hated the nicknames he'd given me.
They're not lovely, they're embarrassing.
He bends down swiftly, before I can move away, and kisses my cheek.
Chan then moves in front of me, laying a hand on Moon's chest, slightly pushing him away from me.
"That's enough," Chan says with his eyes dark like coals, "Leave."

Moon chuckles darkly, and I can tell he doesn't take Chan seriously, but he does turn to leave.
I rub my face, remembering too late all the make-up on it, and sigh deeply.
Behind us, our table is quiet. I can't look at them, I'm too embarrassed.
Of course I chose the one night of the entire month that Moon would be playing at the Flamingo.
Of fucking course.

My mood is ruined, but I look at Chan.
His chest is moving quickly, his shoulders are tense. His eyes are on Moon, following him back to the mixing pult.
He defended me, no questions asked.
He stood up for me.
I brush my fingers against his shoulder blade and his eyes shift to me, softening to their usually warmth.
"Let's get some fresh air," I say to him and he nods, reaching for my hand.

Outside, we walk until the lights of the club no longer blind us. It's dark here, caught between shadow and the glimmering lights of the night. The air is chilly, but not cold. It smells of rain about to come.
I lean against the wall of the house with my back, and Chan moves all by himself to stand between my legs.
He puts his hands into the pockets of his pants, still an arm's length away from me.
"I'm sorry about that," I start, "I didn't know he'd be here tonight."
"It's not your fault," he answers and shrugs, "I hope you don't mind that I stepped in. I know you can take care of yourself, but I just-..."
He presses his lips into a line and clears his throat.

A smile spreads on my lips and I look away.
"Actually, I thought it was kind of sexy," I say and chuckle when Chan grins surprised.
"You did?"
"Yeah." I roll my eyes in play. "Don't let it get to your head."
Chan shrugs again, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
"Never," he answers, but I can see him flexing his biceps.

For a moment, we're quiet but then he says solemnly, "I take it he is an ex-boyfriend of yours?"
I nod.
"We dated for a few months. It wasn't a good relationship. Kind of toxic," I explain, "And then he cheated on me. I was heartbroken for a while, but I got over it. I just don't like to be reminded of him."
"Yeah, I can understand that."
"He's just not a good person."

Chan is quiet, then.
When he opens his mouth again, the words that come out are quiet and shy.
"He's pretty, though. Very tall. Nice hair."
I put my head to my side and look at Chan.
"He is," I state, "But I see him for what he is. An asshole."
"Yeah, but still," Chan doesn't look at me, like he's embarrassed to be saying the words, "It just makes me wonder, I guess."
"Wonder what?"
He sighs. "Why you would like me when he's your type, as well? He's so good-looking. I can't keep up with that, you know?"

"He is good-looking," I agree, "But you have something he does not. Something way more important."
Chan finally meets my eyes and I raise my hand to hook my finger into the silver chain around his neck.
I pull him close by the necklace until his chest meet mine and we're face to face.
He's warm and strong against me.
"You have a pure heart," I whisper against his lips, "You have a warmth inside you that I see every time I look into your eyes. You're kind and loving and so charming. You care so deeply."
Chan leans in closer, raising an arm to place it over my head against the wall. The other hand, he sneaks around my middle until his open palm lays flat against my back.

As I sneak my arms around his shoulders, I continue, "You're hot as fuck, Chan, but all those things make you even hotter. You're more than you think. And you're more than what I ever could have dreamed of."
I barely finish the sentence before his lips crash against mine.

I can hear myself sigh between kisses. He smiles, I can feel it, and it's the most attractive thing.
The cold wall behind me, his warm body in front. I drive my hands from his shoulders to his chest, and down to his hips until my fingers can slip into the front belt loops of his pants.
He groans against my lips, sending vibrations through my entire body until they pool just under my belly button.
His voice is rough when he whispers to me.
"Do you even know what you're doing to me?"

I giggle and wrap my arms around him, gently petting his back as I lean my head against his chest.
"I can feel it," I say, teasingly pressing my right thigh against the place where his legs meet.
He chuckles darkly and puts a finger beneath my chin, turning my face away from him and exposing the soft spot of neck just beneath my earlobe.
He kisses me there, and I can feel him bite my skin gently, just enough to leave a small bruise.
I gasp, but not out of pain.
My hands curl into his shirt.

When he leans back again, he winks at me with a roguish grin.
Then he says, "There's something I've been meaning to ask you. Will you be my guest to our charity concert? I'll get you a backstage pass and everything."
I press a soft, small kiss to the top of his nose and he laughs.
"I'd love to," I answer then, "It would be my honor."

All The Colors Of You || Bang ChanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon