Chapter 8

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'So none of your abilities are… available?' Mr. Forkle sighs when she nods. 'Well, this is… unfortunate.'

Sophie's heart stops. 'Wait. Do you mean you won't include me in the plans? You can't do that!'

He takes her hand, looking at the ground. 'I know how hard it is for you to be left out. But we can't risk losing you. When your abilities eventually come back - because I know they will - you'll be at the front of the battle. I know it's hard to wait. Especially when you're used to being in the middle of everything. What you can do is read the books in Hushwood. Nobody needs any ability to do that. '

She shakes her head, fighting back her tears. 'Are you telling me that the Council will make someone else the boss of Team Valiant?' When he shrugs, she looks straight ahead, cursing Lady Gisela in her head.

Then she remembers Keefe's sadness about his new powers. Maybe talking with him about that can help?

Mr. Forkle probably read his mind, because he nods 'That's a very good idea.'

Sophie glares at him 'It's not because I don't have my Telepathy anymore that you can go looking into my head.'
He looks up, unimpressed.

When Elwin arrives a few seconds later to tell them the young girl needs to go rest, she couldn't have been more grateful. She lets him take her arm and bring her to her room.

Elwin doesn't ask how she's feeling, until she's in her bed, Ella against her heart.

'You know Sophie, I think it's a good thing you have to stay home this much. That way you can sleep. I also realized you've been sleeping better since you came back from I don't know where. Do you think there's a specific reason?' He looks at her as if he already knows, and she blushes.

'Ummm. I don't really know.' She knows Elwin knows she's lying. And she hates that.

'Are you sure? I also noticed that Keefe was always here… is there a little… link?'

Before Sophie can answer, Keefe's voice saves her. 'Oh but we all know that's because Foster couldn't live without me!' He grins and jumps onto her bed.

'Aren't you happy to see me Elwin? After all, I'm your second favorite patient. Coming right before me is Foster as everyone knows.' Elwin raises his eyebrows.

'Hmm. Are you sure it isn't the other way round? You couldn't live without Sophie ?'

Keefe laughs. 'Yeah, but nobody could live without her, so that doesn't count.' Elwin shrugs.

'Keep avoiding that question, but one day you'll have to answer it.'
Both teenagers look at each other, one with red cheeks, the other with a devastatingly beautiful grin.

'Okay Keefe, now we're going to do serious things, so except if you can be serious, then you can leave.' When Keefe decides to stay, Elwin casts him a doubtful look, before making a ring of blue light appear around Sophie's head.

'Your cells are more tired than yesterday. How is that possible? How much time did you sleep last night?'

When Keefe answers "eight blissful hours" before she has time to answer, Elwin raises an eyebrow, but doesn't say anything.

'Okay. Well, I'm not sure why you're so tired, so maybe you shouldn't walk around anymore.' When he sees her frown, he adds 'But I'm sure someone will help you, right Keefe?'

The Empath nods vigorously. 'Of course, my pleasure. We're gonna have so much we owe fun' he says, rubbing his hands.

Sophie stifles a laugh, and smiles slightly at Elwin. 'Are you sure it's a good idea to leave me in Keefe's hands?'

Keefe takes a play-offended look. 'Excuse me? Did the Mysterious Miss F. forget how great I am?'

Sophie giggles. 'Okay, I'm officially surrendering. Leave me with him. But if tomorrow I'm missing, you'll know whose fault it is.'

Elwin smiles knowingly. 'Okay, well I'm done here so I'll leave you two to… whatever you're doing. Oh, and Keefe, don't let Sophie walk. See you tomorrow.'
He leaves and closes the door, leaving Sophie alone with Keefe. As soon as she hears his footsteps fading away, she kicks her blankets away. She stands up, before Keefe pushes her back onto the bed.

'Oh no you don't ! Elwin told me to take care of you, and I'm taking this very seriously.' When she tries to get off her bed from the other side, the Empath catches her by the shoulders, making her fall on her back, his head over hers.

'Now young lady, you better listen to me, or you'll know the Keefster's Biggest Rage Yet.' Sophie laughs.

'Come on, when did you start listening to Elwin? Can't you just make one little exception? For me ? The Mysterious Miss F?'

He raises his eyebrows, and seems tempted by her offer - until he shakes his head. 'You heard Elwin.'

Sophie groans and closes her eyes. 'I hate you.'

'Uuuuhh Foster? Remember I know what you feel right? Even with my Empathy kinda reduced. And I'm pretty sure you feel sooo in love with me right now.' Sophie opens her eyes, to see Keefe grinning above her. She's sure her cheeks are red. And Keefe definitely sees that, since his grin widens even more. And he's moving closer. And closer. And closer. Until their lips meet and Keefe turns himself to be on Sophie's side. His hand moves to her cheek, and both of hers meet in his hair. She places herself on Keefe, careful to not completely squish him. He opens his eyes, and they soften when they meet hers.

Keefe and Sophie lie down next to each other, Sophie facing Keefe. He catches a strand of her hair, and plays with it. When she takes his other hand in hers, his eyes are focused on her neck.
Throughout the days, the blue mark had expanded, but she hides it by wearing collared tunics or putting a bit of makeup on it.

When Keefe doesn't stop staring, she touches her neck, when she feels that the makeup she'd put on this morning had gotten off.

She sits up quickly, hiding her bruise with her hand. Keefe frowns, and sits up next to her. 'Sophie. Show me your neck.'

After a few seconds, she lowers her hand, hoping some makeup has stayed on, hiding part of the bruise.

He pushes her hair away, and gently touches her skin. She tries not to react, but her neck is hurting too much, so she pulls back.

She feels lightheaded, and manages to whisper 'I'm sorry' to Keefe, before fainting. She vaguely feels Keefe's hands on her waist, bringing her under the blankets.

Hi guys omg I'm so so sorry it's been ages since I last updated it's been like 2 months : / I'm so sorryyy
Thank you so much for reading and for voting;)
Xx, E.

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