Chapter 6

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'Hey there, Mysterious Miss F.' Keefe's voice is soft, and Sophie opens her eyes to see his, with their beautiful ice blue color. She smiles at him. 

'How come the Gradynator and Edaline let me sleep here?' he flashes a grin, making Sophie blush. 

'I dunno. It was pretty late when I turned my light off, so maybe they were already sleeping?' She looks around the room, wondering what time it is.

 Keefe seems to read her mind 'It's about 10 in the morning. You were pretty tired so I let you sleep.' 

Sophie sits up, rubbing her eyes. 'This is the first time I slept this late in ages.' When she sees he's still looking at her, she raises her eyebrows. 'What? Do I have big dark circles again?' 

Keefe puts his hands on his hips. 'No you don't. And I think this is the first time I see you without dark rings around your eyes. I think I prefer you without.' 

She feels her cheeks warm, and leans into him for a morning hug. 'You're too cute for me to be angry.' 

She feels him place his hand on the back of her head. They stay like that for a few seconds, before Sophie pulls back, looking at Keefe. 

'Maybe, she whispers, it's time you told me what happened at Elysian, don't you think?' She takes his hand when he stiffens, pressing it as he fights back tears.

'Foster… fine, I'll tell you everything, but you have to promise not to interrupt me, and for real this time.' 

He looks so sad, Sophie nods quietly, waiting for him to start. 

Keefe's pov:

'Foster? Foster? Hey Sophie, look at me! No, don't nod, look at me! Hey!' 

He watches as Sophie falls onto him, his arms holding her up. He lowers her gently to the ground and grabs her hand, pressing it gently when he hears her whisper 'Sandor'. Her eyes are closed, and her arm is limp. Keefe blinks furiously, fighting back tears. She'll wake up, she has to wake up. 

When he looks up, his mom is looking at them, a smile on her lips. All sadness fades away, to be replaced by anger. How can she smile like that when a young girl is unconscious? Though, that doesn't surprise Keefe. 

He gets up, leaving Sophie at the hands of both girls', and Fitz's. When he reaches his mother, his voice is calm. 'Give Sandor back to us. Now.' 

She laughs as she looks at him. 'Keefe. Do you really think it's going to be that simple? He c-'

She's interrupted by Elysian. 'Okay, mother and son, cut it. I don't know who the hell is Sandor, but you should probably give him back to those teens. Because when I see the faces of those kids, I'm pretty sure they get what they want. Especially after what happened to that girl.' She points at Sophie, lying on the ground, ever so pale. 

Keefe turns to the stranger in the cloaks. 'What did you do to her? When will she wake up?' Elysian shakes her head.

'This time, it wasn't me. She's probably just tired, or something.' Elysian shrugs and takes a look at the Telepath. 

Gisela laughs. 'If only. Keefe, you see that blue mark on her neck ? Yeah, that's me. When she was so preoccupied by your unconsciousness, I pushed her gently and… done! She's not going to be able to use her abilities at least until Stellarlune is done. Though I don't know when she'll wake up. If she ever does.'

Keefe's eyes widen, and he runs to the Telepath's side. 'What did you give her? Are you crazy?' He shakes her gently by the shoulders. 'Foster? Foster? Wake up! Sophie!' 

Lady Gisela sighs dramatically 'Keefe. I just told you she wouldn't wake up right now. When will you finally listen to me?'

Elysian shakes her head. 'You're evil, woman. Doing that to your own son's girl. I mean, who does that? You even tried to make me your ally?' 

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