Chapter 4

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Strong arms are holding Sophie, and her head bobs against this person's torso. She can hear conversations, panicked voices, one especially that makes her heart beat faster, but she can't identify whose voice it is. 

A soft, warm feeling takes her over for a few seconds, before fresh air enters her organism. She hears footsteps coming towards her, asking what happened, before being led to the inside of… somewhere. 

Before she finds the energy to open her eyes, black takes her mind over. 

A blinding light attacks the young girl when she opens her eyes. She closes them quickly, and waits a few seconds before opening them again. The light still hurts her eyes, but she manages to get used to it. She's laying on her bed in Havenfield, something - or more accurately, someone - on her hand. When she turns her head, she finds untidy blond hair on her hand.

'Keefe?' her voice is only a whisper, but the Empath lifts his head immediately, his eyes wide open. His eyes are surrounded by dark circles.

'Foster?' his eyes fill with tears when she takes his hand, nodding. 

He takes her in his arms, ignoring the stiffness in her arms. Keefe pulls back, looking at her in the eyes. 'How are you? And don't tell me you're fine, because I feel all the pain you're feeling.' 

Sophie looks away, wondering what to say. 'I'm good. Don't sigh like that.' He raises his eyebrows.

'Sophie. Are you annoyed with me?' he whispers, staring at her. 

'First, tell me if you got Sandor. Please. And then I'll answer all your questions, I promise.' She looks straight back at him. 

'Yes. He's back, but, he's with Elwin because the trolls had already started attacking him when he got to him. He's going to be okay, but he'll need at least a few weeks to recover.'

Sophie's heart stops. Guilt creeps into her, making a tear roll down her cheek. Keefe wipes it away, taking her in for a hug. 'Don't feel guilty, please, I can't lose you now. Please. Elwin said he's going to wake him up tomorrow. Now can you please answer my question? Did I do something that hurt you?' 

'Keefe. I need you to be honest with me. Do you feel guilty because you kissed me? Because… when you were unconscious in that cave, by the way you'll have to tell me everything about that, three memories were playing in your mind. One with Alden, where he asks you to let Fitz and me be together, and one of the others was in the woods. So I can't help wondering if you regret being with me.' Her voice is low, but Keefe caught every word.

A painful moment of silence stretches, making Sophie's heart break into pieces, again. 'Foster, I don't think you would understand. Alden was like a father to me, but then, before Alvar's trial, he came to see me, telling me to let you go with Fitz because everyone knew you had a crush on him. And he knew he liked you. So, I mean, I kinda decided from that day to let you go with Fitz. But then when you told me about your feelings, I forgot about that, and… and, now I feel like I shouldn't have kissed you, and left you with Fitz.'

Sophie is too shocked to speak. She lets her brain assimilate what she just heard before taking Keefe's hand. 'Hey, listen to me. I'm over Fitz, okay? I don't like him anymore. I mean, only as a friend, but you know what I mean. It's you I like okay? You're an Empath, you know I'm telling the truth.' 

Keefe looks at his hands, wrapped around hers. 'You like me?' his voice is low, as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

'Wait. No, I changed my mind. I don't like you. I love you Keefe. Okay? Nothing can change that.'

Keefe's breath is taken away and his eyes look at hers. 'Foster, please tell me you're telling the truth.'

She chuckles, shaking her head. 'How many times do I have to tell you? I love you, Keefe Sencen.'

'Can you say that again?' he pleads.

'I love you Keefe.' 

The young Empath lets go of her hands to cup Sophie's chin with one hand, and places his other hand behind her head. His eyes are attracted to her lips.

'Sophie Foster, you couldn't have said something more wonderful. I love you too.'

He places his lips on Sophie's, making small fireworks light up underneath the girl's lips. Sophie lifts her right hand to the back of his head, playing with strands of his hair.

It feels so good to have her boyfriend back. 

Keefe pulls back, sitting on Sophie's bed next to her. 'Maybe we should tell your parents you're up now, don't you think?'

Before Sophie can answer Edaline's voice make both of them jump. 'No need for that Keefe. And before you ask, yes, I heard and saw everything.' When she sees Keefe getting off the bed quickly, she smiles wide. 'Keefe. You have no reason to fear me. Or my reaction to your little couple.' At those words, both teenager's cheeks glow bright red, and Keefe looks away. Edaline's smile grows even bigger.

'Mom!' Sophie whimpers.

'Glad to see you too Sophie. You were just unconscious for a week, but other than that, I didn't miss you at all.' 

'A WEEK? I've been asleep for a whole week?' Sophie looks from her mother to her boyfriend. Neither of them meet her eyes. 

Edaline comes over, taking Keefe's place. 'Sweety, nobody really knows what happened at that Elysian place, so no one could make you wake up. Trust me, Elwin and Livvy both tried everything possible. You were so pale. I thought we really lost you this time.

And by the way, I should probably tell your dad you're up, or he'll kill me. I'll leave you two to it.' With a sneaky smile, Edaline leaves the room, leaving Sophie and Keefe together. 

Keefe comes closer to her bed, without sitting on it. 'I should probably go now, or Grady will kill me. I know he still doesn't like me, even if he helped me with my abili-' 

'That's definitely not true.' Sophie's dad appears in the doorframe, making them jump and Keefe saying "Jeez, are you all listening behind doors ?"

'Maybe your obsession with getting in trouble makes me a little… let's say defensive, but I still appreciate you. Especially after bringing Sophie back a few days ago.' Grady had said that last sentence in a low voice, but everyone heard him. 

Keefe clears his throat, blinking furiously to fight back tears. Sophie takes his hand and presses it, before catching Grady's eyes. However, she doesn't let it go. 

Grady comes to sit down on the other side of the bed, taking Sophie's other hand. 'Glad to see you back kiddo.' He presses a kiss on the side of her head, before clearing his throat and deciding to leave her to "that boy", making both teenagers smile.

Once the door is closed, Keefe sits down on her bed, putting Sophie's head on his chest and resting his on her blond hair. The Telepath can feel Keefe's regular heartbeat, which reassures her. Sophie snuggles into him and decides the rest would wait. Thanks to Keefe's presence, Sophie goes to sleep quickly and, for once, doesn't have nightmares. 

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