"I thought I killed it..."

"Trapping us in this hotel... A form like nothing I've seen... What kinda devil is this thing!?"

"Human... Humans... Foolish humans, I offer you a contract..."

"The thing can speak?"

"It spoke!"

"A contract?" Aki inquired.

"Let me eat the humans named Denji and Y/n... Dead or alive... Feed them to me and I'll return all of you other devil hunters to the outside unharmed... Make a contract with me..." The devil gurgled out.

"Shit... What fucking luck..." Y/n said under his breath. The group turned around when the door creaked open, revealing Kobeni.

With a knife.

"Denji... Y/n... Let it eat you..."

"Ah shit-"

"YAHAHAHDHAHSHGDHSH!!!" she charged at the group with surprising speed. Y/n punched the knife out of her hand as Himeno landed an elbow into her solar plexus. She landed on the cold floor her eyes still open in shock. Y/n sighed, and picked her up onto his shoulder.

"What a pain..."

He walked off into a room and put her on its bed, making sure she wasnt going to spaz out again.

"Damn, Kobeni..."

He then left the room and closed the door behind him.

He watches as Aki tries summoning the Fox devil to no avail, cementing the fact that they are completely cut off from the outside.

"Alright then, I'll finish it with my ghost." Himeno said, clenching her fist. Chunks of the devil came off as she let loose her assault as it cried in pain.

It then started growing towards the woman, making her backpedal.

"Crap... It got even bigger!"

"It's no use... This is not my real body... My heart is not here. This is inside my stomach. My weak point is not in the eighth floor... Making a contract with me is the only way you shall live..."

Everyone in the group was obviously freaked out, letting the terror truly set in.

Except a couple people of course.

"Whatever! Even if they kill me, you're not gonna let them out anyway!" Denji said to the grotesque devil.

"No, it will." Himeno replied countering his argument.

"The devil called it a contract. When devils use it, the word contract has a lot of power. If one party honors the contract, the other party has to honor it too. When you don't hold up your end of the deal, you die."

She then looked at both Denji and Y/n.

"So it's true, we can get out of here if we kill you."

The door opposite to the one Y/n laid Kobeni in creaked open, revealing a blanket covered Arai.

"Miss Himeno... We should kill them... We can kill them for now and come up with a counter plan after we get out... At this rate we'll all starve to death right here in the hotel-"

"Fat fucking chance."

Y/n interrupted. He stared down Arai, who flinched under his gaze.

"Are you that weak that you immediately resort to killing your own team? No other plans? Nothing? I thought you would've realized it by now..."

He turns to the devil.

"This fucking thing wants us for a reason, it'll benefit from it somehow... My mark and Denji's chainsaw shit is prolly why it wants us..."

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