Behind the Scenes....

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The applause just didn't stop. Time and again, they had to run back onto the stage and take a bow. Always, Tom stood like the proud father in the centre. Turning and applauding his fellow actors, making sure they got the recognition they so richly deserved.

As the cheers and clapping finally abated, he stepped forward and raised his hands, asking for quiet. The audience settled, and you could hear a pin drop.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, six weeks ago, a group of strangers filed into this building. None of them knew each other, none of them knew me." There was a ripple of amusement, and he nodded a faint blush to his cheeks. "Well, not me as a person, perhaps. But now? You see before you a family. A cohesive, angsty, argumentative, feisty, amazing, and wonderful family. One that I will always cherish. One that I hope will, from time to time, come back together and relive these glorious moments."

There was another round of tumultuous applause, and the cast all bowed, then looked back at Tom as he raised his hands once more.

"Nights like this remind me why I love the theatre so much. Films - and TV - will always be a part of my life, but theatre? It's why I became an actor in the first place. It's where you FEEL - you love, you laugh, you cry, and you BELIEVE. As an actor, there is no better feeling than the reaction of hundreds of faces sharing that same experience in that same moment. Each internalising it in a slightly different way, each taking from it their own truth. Giving back in that moment a gasp or sigh or even a laugh. For that, I thank you all. For that WE, thank you all. Good night." he bowed, and to cheers from both on and off stage, he left the auditorium, allowing the cast one final moment in the spotlight.

Before they outstayed their welcome, they trooped off again and into the backstage area, the adulation still carrying them along. Everyone had arranged to meet in the bar afterwards, so they split for the moment, heading back to their respective temporary dressing rooms. Lucy was sharing with Jenny, and as she opened the door, she caught the end of a conversation.

"Oh Jen, thank you - you are truly amazing. It's been wonderful to see you like this, this side of you, I know what it must have taken to tell me. I can't thank you enough for your trust. See you later darling?" Tom stood, his arms wrapped around Jenny, looking down at her. She, in turn, was smiling up at him, flushed and breathless. They turned as she walked in, and their faces froze, realising how it must look.



Their voices spoke as one, Lucy felt them both like daggers to her chest. She swallowed the gasp that threatened to break free. Tom and Jenny let go, Tom walking towards her, arms outstretched. She deftly avoided him.

"Oh. Sorry. Excuse me. I'll didn't realise, I'll just be..." she quickly grabbed her clothes and bag and left, closing the door ominously quietly behind her. Tom's voice carried through the door.

"Lucy, wait.. please... it's not.., it's just ..."

She ignored it, locking herself in one of the empty rooms and getting changed. Her makeup could wait till she got home. She should let him explain? She shouldn't jump to conclusions? Fuck that. It was pretty obvious. She'd been a naive fool. All that claptrap about "stretching her as an actor"? Whitewash. To cover the fact he really was involved with Jenny all along. She'd given herself away to someone who really wasn't the perfect man he seemed. What was it they said? Never meet your heroes?

Hero be damned.

Footsteps and voice in the corridor made her stop, stand quiet. She could hear his voice. Hear her name. She waited, hands over her mouth, biting her palm. When they receded again, she donned her coat and opened the door slowly. Seeing the coast clear, she headed out the back door and into a taxi.

"Home please" she said distractedly to the driver who smiled into the mirror.

"Yours or mine love? I only know one of them!" he was a kindly faced chap and he saw she was upset. "Man trouble love? "

She shook her head. "Not any more. Sorry... my address....." she reeled it off and sat back, closing her eyes. As they drove away, tears slid down her cheeks. She really wasn't worthy, was she? After all that, she really wasn't in the end worthy of him. It really wasn't his fault, Jenny was striking. Jenny was petite and blonde and had a delicate nature. She? She was dumpy and a little chubby and about as delicate as an elephant on roller skates.

Tom had yanked open every door in the hallway. "Lucy?" Nothing. A few startled looks, a couple of "DO you mind's" and a very VERY surprised looking cat half eating a mouse in some kind of dystopian nightmare. He turned, hands on his head, and looked around. Jenny had followed him down the corridor.

"Shit Tom, what do we do? " she said, panic in her voice. " she must have heard the end..."

"I have to speak to her. But I can't go yet, I don't want to make this into a major scene. I need to go and say a few quick hellos in the bar, then I'll slip away, try to find her. I think she'll go to ground at home. I need to explain. Everything - will that be ok?" he stopped and looked at her, taking her hand and she smiled.

"Of course it will. There's nothing you can say that will harm anything. I've been dealing with the drama of my personal life for years. Having to hide that I was more attracted to Lucy than any man in this theatre is nothing new. I'm just sorry I wasn't honest from the get-go. It's just... well..." she smiled and pushed him towards the bar.

"Go, press the flesh, then get out of here. I'm going to see where Paula is, God knows I've neglected her enough this last six weeks. I only hope she still wants to marry me after she just saw me promise myself to you!" she hugged him, and he laughed,

"Oh, I think she'll forgive you. I know I would. You're just too sweet!" he walked away, then turned "Thanks Jen, thanks for everything."

Lucy got home and went straight to her room closing the door behind her with an almost silent click. Mandy knew that wasn't a good sign. Calm, restrained, quiet? After what was probably the performance of her life? It was worrying in the fact that there appeared to be nothing to worry about. She turned off the tv and padded through. She heard the bathroom door close but not lock. The sound of the shower and the rattle of the curtain. Taking a deep breath she opened the door.

Shedding her clothes, Lucy walked through and got into the shower. As she scrubbed the makeup and the shame away, a voice floated through.

"You ok hun? What's up? Thought you and Tom be celebrating." Mandy opened the door and came and sat on the loo. Even through the shower curtain, she could tell Lucy was crying in the shower. "What's happened lovie? What's he done?"

Lucy took a breath and switched off the water. Reaching for a towel, she wrapped it around herself and yanked the curtain back. For the first time Mandy could see her face. It was as she'd suspected. Lucy's face crumpled. She climbed out of the bath and into Mandy's arms, dripping hair and all. She sobbed, the frustration and disappointment breaking through the dam.

Mandy let her cry for a minute then said, "Come on babe, get dried and come through, you can tell me all about it over some hot chocolate and biscuits," She ignored the wet patches now soaking her sweater. Her friend needed her. She, however, didn't need the hair currently dripping onto the floor.

"As long as the hot chocolate has alcohol in it..."

"That's my girl," Mandy winked. "See you in 5 and don't drip on the hall floor, it's lethal when it's wet!"

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