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She looked in the mirror and smiled. For the first time in a long time, she could face herself. Guilt, anger, fear, disappointment, the feeling that life was never going to be as good ever again. Gone. Replaced by hope, expectation, and a feeling that things absolutely were never going to be the same again.

Smoothing down her dress, she turned from side to side. It had been an impulse buy that had lain unworn for a long time. Now, she was glad. Glad that the first wearing was with Tom. She wanted a lot of things to be a first with Tom.

Checking her watch, she realised he'd be here any minute. She spritzed some perfume and touched up her lipstick. There was the sound of feet in the hall.

Mandy was never one for standing on ceremony, and tonight was no exception. She burst into the bedroom

"Lucy...Oooooh, check you!" She walked up and ran a cheeky hand up Lucy's thigh with a grin. "AND you got ur sexy stuff on. I know a holdup stocking when I feel one! Tommy's on a promise!"

Lucy screeched and slapped her hand away with a laugh. " You cheeky mare! I always wear them going out!" She blushed scarlet at the blatant lie.

"Yeah, right, and I wear a puffa jacket to bed!" Mandy sat on the bed, grinning from ear to ear. "There's nothing to be embarrassed about, miss. He's attractive - ok, drop dead gorgeous - and you're gagging for it. What's to say?"

"MANDY! I AM NOT GAGGING FOR IT!" Lucy almost shouted in mock horror.

"I'm so glad, I really wanted to have something to eat. It's been a long day."

The smooth, sensuous voice broke into the hilarity, causing Lucy to gasp in 100% real horror this time.

Standing against the door, ignored completely in the hilarity, was a slightly flushed Tom. He was clutching a bouquet of roses and a smile fit to split his face.

"Oh dear God, let me die!" Lucy covered her face with her hands. There was a laugh like a drain, and Mandy disappeared.

Tom moved over towards her, laying the flowers on the bed. Gently, he took her hands away from her face. "Hey, why the tears?" He was astonished to see the sparkle of them on her cheeks.

"I wanted tonight to be... perfect. I have so much to make up to you for. So much to say. I didn't want you to think I was just..."

"Gagging for it?" He smiled gently, and despite herself, she laughed quietly. "Kitten..." She gasped, his brow furrowed. "Did I say something wrong?"

She shook her head, tears now of joy, not sadness. "No, it's... later, I'll tell you later. Let's go out, if only to get away from our resident Peeping Tom!"

The pair of them turned to see Mandy sitting on the floor of the hall, her knees drawn up under her chin, arms wrapped around her legs. Her face was a picture of happiness.

"This is better than the telly. Please don't let me stop you!" She grinned, and they all laughed.

"Come on, let's go. See you later!" Tom looked down as they passed and ruffled Mandy's hair. She giggled, and Lucy winked.

"You were right, by the way!" She whispered as the door closed behind them.

The restaurant was small and intimate. Their table was at the back in a little nook. Tom looked over the top of his menu and just watched her as she read. The candle light flickered and danced, making her eyes sparkle. The soft light seemed to give her an almost etherial quality. She was, he knew, the most beautiful woman in the world. And she was his... almost. He had to be respectful, be caring, be considerate. He had to show her the kind of man he wanted to be for her.

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