On My High

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David was asking Levi all of these questions. Concerned about the behavior he saw before hand. All David saw was Levi collapsing and becoming knocked out during the execution of [redacted]. It was horrifying. For the both of them of course,but Levi didn't understand this. He didn't understand why David was caring so much about what happened to him considering he seems to remember the personality reveal from earlier.
No one else was in the room. No one else was there for Levi. So why was he scared. He never really liked any of his classmates at all. So why does he care about this? Why does he care that David cares. He knows he shouldn't especially when it's unsafe to be around him.
Of course there was a obvious answer to this question of why he cares. David is a manipulator after all. It would make sense for David to act this way. Levi was being manipulated by David. No doubt about it.
Levi wanted to believe that David was a good person at heart. He wanted to believe he wasn't being manipulated and this was all just him imagining things. But why would someone who lied about wanting to help people care about how Levi was feeling in the first place?
He doesn't. David doesn't care. David never cared about how Levi felt. He just wanted to leave Levi there and hope he'd just die. But David thought of a better plan to get out of this. He has been pretending to like Levi this whole time. So he decided to pretend that he had romantic feelings for him. But..
David soon found out his feelings for Levi were..there. David loved Levi.
And Levi loved David.
But they would never say anything to eachother. Never again.

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