Uninvitited Guest

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Levi grumbles to himself as the lights go out. Turning his head and trying to adjust to the newly risen darkness. His eyes finally adjust to look at David.
"What are you doing here? I don't think I asked for a uninvited guest such as yourself to show up."
David just laughs at Levi's words and looks down at him.
"Yet here you are sitting all alone in the relaxation room. If anyone else came in would they be uninvited guests as well? How cruel Levi! But I don't expect much less from you."
That struck Levi. He looks up from David with a look of hate and confusion.
"What on earth are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about the fact that you're just like me! A cold hearted individual who doesn't care about anyone else."
Levi's eyes widen and he just stares at David for a few minutes before finally speaking up.
"That was a long time ago. That was in my past. I grew from my old behavior and I've changed."
"People don't change Levi. You have to understand that. Even though you are acting oh so kind and gentle now. You're still heartless. You still dislike most of your classmates. Of course that explains the outbursts!"
Levi says nothing and just stands up trying to leave the room and get far away from David.
However,Levi got stopped by David holding onto his arm. For a moment Levi stands there confused before David speaks up.
"But maybe I can change that. Maybe I can make you a better person."
"How do you even plan on doing that. You're nothing but a uninvited guest to me right now."
Without further warning,David pulled Levi done to his level and kissed him. Right on the lips.

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