Lets head somewhere private

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HEY!! Fair warning before this chapter starts uhmmm the content might be a little spicy if you catch my drift.
If uncomfortable with any of spicy content people do not read this chapter. I mean it's not explicit explicit but you get point..anyway! Enjoy!-Gutz
Quickly, David pulls away from Levi after they kiss for about a minute. David looks deep into Levi's eyes with a smirk plastered on my face.
"How was that Levi? Was that good enough for a wonderful lovable guy like you."
David laughs a bit and waits for Levi to respond.
"Why the hell..why did you kiss me?!"
"Oh come on Levi. You know you enjoyed it. I see how you look at me you know? I know you like me. Of course I don't expect less from a guy like you!"
"That's ridiculous..I have no attraction to you whatsoever."
"I hardly believe that shit Levi. And I can prove it to you!"
"Oh. How the hell do you expect to do tha-"
Without warning Levi gets pulled back into a kiss. This one more violent than the one before hand. David's hands grip tight onto Levi's tie as he pulls him closer. David looks deep into Levi's eyes,keeping contact with them the entire time.
Once they finally pull away from eachother Levi seems to be the only one panting. While David is sitting there with a smirk on his face.
"Of course before I continue..do I have your consent to take this further."
"Yes..but what do you even expect to do-"
Once again Levi gets cut off by another kiss from David. While Levi is focused on his kiss with David,David's hand travels over to Levi's shoulder,gently caressing it. Soon enough his hand trails down to his chest,gently massaging Levi's pecs,which earns a soft whine from Levi.
David moves one of his hands up Levi's shirt and trails his other one down to massage his thigh,earning more soft noises from the larger male.
After a couple minutes David finally pulls away from Levi,smirking at him still.
"Let's..Let's take this somewhere..private."
Fml I'm regretting all my life choices!👍-Gutz

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