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(AN: The Avengers know Peter is Spider-Man, as does Ned. Tony and Peter have a kind of father-son vibe going on, but they try to hide it.)

The earthquake started only seconds after Peter's spider-sense flared up. The teacher wasted no time in rushing around the room, helping students get to safety as the ground shook around them. Peter curled up under his desk as the bookshelves rattled to his right. His spider-sense was blaring as the teacher ran to her own desk and crawled underneath it.

A loud boom echoed from outside, and seconds later the windows to the room exploded. Screams rang through the room as the students nearest the glass hurriedly scooted away from the windows to the other side of the room. A bookshelf near the door collapsed, effectively trapping everyone inside the room.

When the glider zoomed past, and the familiar cackling laughter could be heard, Peter knew it wasn't an earthquake shaking the ground.

It was much worse than that.

"Come on out, Spider-Man!" the Green Goblin shrieked, laughing maniacally. "It's playtime!"

Ned and Peter made eye contact, and Ned shook his head briefly. Don't do it. Don't take the bait.

Peter didn't know what to do. He was less worried about revealing his identity to the crowd than he was about Goblin hurting or killing anyone, but he also knew that if he came out he would likely be walking straight into a trap that would put himself and all his peers in serious danger.

Unfortunately, Goblin seemed to have made Peter's decision for him. A section of the classroom wall exploded and in flew the green menace, laughing as all the students scattered in an attempt to get away from him. He lunged and snagged the back of someone's hoodie, yanking them back and holding them out in front of him.

Peter almost groaned as he realized the Goblin had nabbed Flash. Why did it always have to be Flash?

"I know you're in here, Spider-Man," the Goblin taunted, holding Flash up triumphantly. The boy's face started to turn purple as the neckline of his hoodie cut off his airflow. Peter grimaced, engaged his web shooters, and then stepped out from under his desk.

"Put him down, Osborn!" The students around him gasped. Flash's eyes widened in surprise to see that Peter was standing up for him.

"There you are," the maniac cooed. He looked at the teen he was holding, who was about to lose consciousness, and then tossed him halfheartedly to the ground.

"Peter, Peter, Peter," Goblin chided, "predictable Peter Parker."

"This has nothing to do with any of them. Leave the school alone," Peter demanded. The Goblin began to ramble about how he'd been planning this for months, and that Predictable Peter Parker would be no match for him this time. While he spoke he began moving his glider closer, and as he did, the teacher slipped out from under her desk and grabbed the large microscope that rested on top.

"You've lost your chance, Parker!" the Goblin shrieked with glee as he finished his speech. "Fight me now! Or all your friends wil--"


The teacher landed a solid blow on the back of the Goblin's head, and Peter took his chance. He leaped forward and tackled her to the ground as gently as possible, making sure his body hit the floor first. Several shards of glass painfully tore through his shirt and skin as he landed. Before she could say anything he told her to get back under her desk, and then used his webs to slingshot himself at the Goblin, who was still recovering from her attack.

Peter's momentum managed to knock the Goblin off his glider, and the two hit the ground. Goblin started laughing as Peter landed blow after blow, but the cackling soon abated as Peter's punches, combined with the damage from the microscope earlier, ended up severely damaging Goblin's mask.

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