Sacrifice/Character Death

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(AN: I know, I know, it's not October anymore. But I'm back with another chapter! 

So I just rewatched Endgame and Infinity War again, goodness gracious those movies are just--YES. But of course, after doing that and then realizing it's been a solid minute since I updated any of my stories *sorry!* I decided to get on here and write this. It's basically an Endgame AU. 

I think y'all know already what's going to happen here.)


Peter blinked a few times, his eyes struggling to adjust to the light. What happened? Where was he?

"Parker, wake up. It's been five years. They need our help."

Peter forced his eyes open and shook himself awake. Dr. Strange stood above him, holding out a hand. Peter quickly took it and allowed himself to be pulled to his feet. He took in his surroundings, and then everything came rushing back. He was still on the alien planet.

"Where's Mr. Stark?" he asked.

"Now's not the time for questions," Strange said, waving his hands in front of him. A portal began to open up as the Doctor met Peter's eyes. "Tony needs our help, so we're going to give it to him." 

Peter nodded slowly, still confused, but as the portal widened to reveal a dark battleground and thousands of armored creatures he followed Strange through, along with the rest of Guardians. He looked around in awe as hundreds of portals opened to reveal armies of all kinds coming through.

"Is that all of them?" Dr. Strange asked his sorcerer friend.

"What? You wanted more?" the sorcerer replied.

"You might want to suit up," Quill said to Peter without taking his eyes off the approaching army. "This isn't going to be pretty."

"Yeah," Peter quickly agreed, the nanotech mask reforming over his face. 

"Avengers!" Captain America shouted. Peter did a double take as he realized the Captain was holding Thor's hammer. If he got the chance he would definitely need to ask him about that later. Maybe Steve would let him experiment with the physics around the--

Suddenly, Thor started yelling and running forward, and without hesitating Peter moved, launching himself into the air. Luckily there were plenty of flying objects in the vicinity, so Peter was able to swing above the crowd and get a good look at the situation.

The two armies clashed, and after a moment of indecision, Peter angled himself towards a group of people who were being surrounded by some freaky-looking aliens and sling-shotted himself toward the ground. He helped take out the monsters and was about to follow them deeper into the fight when he saw something crash into the ground nearby and get cornered by a particularly large and ugly alien.

The alien lifted its weapon and without thinking Peter latched onto it with his webs. Before the alien could figure out what had happened, Antman, now 60 ft tall, stomped on him.

Peter's heart skipped a beat as he realized who the alien had been attacking, and he quickly vaulted over the rubble with a relieved cry. "Mr. Stark!"

Tony's eyes widened in shock as Peter began to tell him everything that had happened in what felt like to the teen only the few minutes that they'd been apart. The billionaire wasn't even paying attention to what Peter was saying as he wrapped the teen in a hug.

"Oh," Peter breathed, surprised at the sudden affectionate move. He slowly hugged Tony back, soaking in the moment as much as he could through the layers of metal between them. "This is nice."

Spider-Man Whumptober - 2023Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin