Scar Reveal/Interrogation/Presumed Dead

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(AN: This is definitely Spider-Son, so yeah. Also, it's going to carry over into another chapter haha. Enjoy!)

Tony was angry with himself. Which, in reality, wasn't an uncommon occurrence. But this was much worse than messing up the wiring on a project. So much worse.

He was tied to a chair, and across the room, restrained with what looked like solid vibranium cuffs, was his kid.


The teen had a black bag over his head, but Tony didn't need to see his face to know it was him. From the looks of it, Peter was asleep, so Tony kept silent. He guessed that the longer his kid slept, more time Tony had to figure a way out of here.

Unfortunately, his time was cut short when Peter began to stir. Tony could tell the teen was trying to keep calm, but it didn't seem to be working very well as his breathing quickened.

"Hey kid," Tony said gently, "you awake?"

"Mr. Stark?" Tony's heart dropped at the panic in Peter's voice. He was clearly trying to stay calm, but waking up cuffed to a chair with a bag over your head isn't an ideal situation to find oneself in.

"Yeah, Pete, I'm here," Tony said gently. "Don't worry, I'm sure the others are on their way right now."

"Do you know where we are? Do you know why we're here?" Peter asked, trying to maneuver himself so that the bag would come off.

"...No." Tony hated that he had no answers for his kid. He was also getting a little worried. Shouldn't someone have come bursting in by now? Had the grand plan been to leave the two in a helpless state to die slowly and painfully by starvation, or some other means?

Moments later, as though summoned by Tony's confusion and growing fear, the door to the room swung open. Tony jumped, but Peter of course did not. That was when another question surfaced in Tony's mind. Did they know about Peter? He'd assumed that they did, but maybe he was wrong and the cuffs weren't vibranium. If that were the case, he needed to make sure Peter's secret stayed a secret. It could help them in the chance an opportunity to escape arose.

"Glad to see you awake, Stark," a penetrating female voice said. A woman stepped into the light. She was wearing a white blouse with ruffled sleeves and a pristine black pencil skirt. Her hair was pulled back into a tight bun and her bright red lipstick was immaculate. 

Of all the possible kidnappers to expect, this would be near the bottom of Tony's list. 

The woman yanked the bag off of Peter's head and he squinted at the sudden change in light. She grabbed his chin, forcing his face towards her and scratching his cheeks with her long fingernails. Tony shouted at her to leave Peter be, but she was deaf to his complaints.

"I must say I was a little disappointed to learn you survived," the woman told Peter in a disappointed tone, "but here you are now, so let's make the most of this, shall we?"

"What's going on here?" Tony demanded, trying to draw the woman's attention away from Peter. The woman finally turned towards Tony with a disdainful frown.

"Our business with you is not for you to know, Stark," she said, as though she were admonishing a child. She turned back towards Peter and leaned close again.

"Do you remember me, Petey?" she cooed. Tony felt a shiver go up his spine. This woman was creeping him out. Peter just stared at her, confused.

"Why don't I help you recall our first meeting?" she said lifting his shirt to show a long scar across his ribs. She traced it with one of her fingernails, smiling proudly as Peter's eyes widened with what seemed to be realization.

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