Conditioning/Forced to Hurt Someone Else

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(AN: This is a continuation of yesterday's whump, so if you haven't read it I would recommend doing so or you might be little confused)

When Peter woke up again he was laying on the cold stone floor of a small room. The other kids were there too, and they all watched with mild interest as Peter tried to shake off the sedative still in his system. He slowly started to sit up when he was tackled by a hug.

"Thank you so much," the girl was saying as she squeezed him tightly, hiccuping between sobs. "That man was about to kill my brother. You saved him!"

Peter awkwardly hugged her back as she cried into his shoulder. By now, almost all the other teens were choking back tears. The girl finally pulled away from Peter's hesitant embrace and wiped away her tears as much as she could.

"I don't even know your name," she mumbled, suddenly shy.

"Peter," he said, "my name is Peter."

"Thank you, Peter," she said again. "My name is Melissa. You saved my brother, Josh."

"I was just doing what I thought was right," Peter said with a shrug.

"My name is Aaliyah," someone said from across the room. Peter looked to see the girl who'd been held at gunpoint in the van. He was just glad she hadn't been awake for it.

"I'm Andrew," a boy said. He was followed by Carter, Chris, Louise, and then Michael.

Peter's heart sank. Seven teenagers were here with him, seven of his peers who had done nothing other than be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

And if he couldn't get them all out, he didn't know if he could live with himself.

Suddenly, the door to the cell slammed open. The only one who didn't jump and emit a sound of surprise was Peter.

The lead Hydra agent from earlier walked in and watched in amusement as they all moved away from him as though he were diseased.

"Good evening, boys and girls," he said with a smile. Peter felt Melissa shudder beside him and wanted to do the same, especially as the agent's gaze came to a stop when it landed on Peter.

"You are all to address me as Sir. You will only speak when spoken to, and you will get along with each other or suffer the consequences. Have I made myself clear?"

"Yes, Sir," they mumbled, each of them staring at the ground.

"You," Sir said, pointing at Peter, "stand up. Now."

Peter obliged, and then followed the man out of the cell. He didn't dare look back at the others for fear of betraying just how frightened he really was.

He followed the man silently down a long, dimly-lit hallway before they entered what looked like a run-down hospital room.

There was a woman waiting inside. Her hair was in a bun so tight that Peter felt his eyes watering for her. Surely it was painful to let it sit that way all day long.

Without speaking she roughly grabbed his arm and guided him towards the bed. Once he was laying down, she inserted a needle and began to take his blood.

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