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"Okay guys! Here we go! A five, six, seven, eight!" Carlos started the practice.

"Carlos, when can we take the blindfolds off?" Someone asked.

"When you are able to dribble and pirouette at the same time. Come on, try again. It is important to set up impossible situations in rehearsal. That way, by opening night they have been through every possible emergency scenario. Someone has a heart attack? Keep dancing. The sound system goes out because of a tornado? Keep dancing Tornadoes come and go Dance is forever." The boy alarmingly said as if it was normal.

Amelia laughed at all of the boys in the room as thu continued to fail and then she left to look for her phone.

"Everybody hold! Amelia, where were you? We have been here for an hour." Miss Jenn said as everyone turned to Amelia.

"I am so sorry. I lost my phone and spent last night living as a hunter-gatherer which, by the way did you know there are things that are only on TV at a certain time? Okay anyway, I finally picked it up in the lost and found...Wait, did you say an hour?" Amelia furrowed her eyebrows.

"Gina sent you and me a text asking if we could come in early so she could talk through a new idea, you did not get it?" Miss Jenn asked.

"No, because my phone was missing" Amelia trailed off.

"Look honey, you have got to keep better track of your stuff. A real triple-threat means singing acting, and being organized. Got it. If you had been here you would know that Gina pitched a whole new dance break for Gabriella and Taylor in the middle of Status Quo and she had Carlos work it out with her and it is just dazzling." Her teacher stated.

"You and Carlos?" She asked her sister.

"Gina, why do not you hydrate and show her the new choreo?" Her sister gladly smiled.

Her sister was clearly annoyed as she learned the dance and then went to try on costumes "And just hear me out, but I think that you should try this one on first Are these for the new dance break in Status Quo?" Kourtney told Gina as she walked into the room.

"High-key love them whose is whose?" The twin said looking at the clothes.

"Okay, mine is everything. But for Gabriella you may want to put her in a color that pops little more. She's already kind of bland. Not as a person sweetest girl in the world but as an actress I do not want her to get lost in the crowd" Gina said but little did she know her sister was in the room over hearing their conversation. A tear slid down her cheek as she had skipped rehearsal today and hid in art room.

"Troy and Chad, scene 45! Okay let's take it from the top And remember these two boys are "best bros" Their teacher said as they stood on stage

"We had a meeting about how we haven't been like a team, Troy Us, not you and the singing thing..." EJ said blatantly looking at Ricky.

"I do not want to talk about it.

"We want you to know that we are going to be there cheering for you. Look win or lose... We are teammates. Even if you turn out to be the worst singer in the world." EJ laughed.

" And you are not going to hear me sing dudes because Gabriella won't even talk to me, and I do not know why" Ricky said rolling his eyes.

"Okay, that was okay but it was a little stiff. Let's loosen up pass some energy back and forth right. Let's use the ball and improvise. Just say whatever? Chad it up" She said as she threw him a ball.

𝐀 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 ✧ 𝐁𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now