CHAPTER SIX, jelly fish jam

Start from the beginning

Alaina shakes her head and laughs as she and Nico pulled away from each other. "No, we were just talking. What's up, Lahela?" She questioned, glancing at her with a small smile.

"I just came to check up on the results. Figured I need to do it when you're both here."

"Thanks, Lahela." Alaina smiled. She stood by Nico, wrapping an arm around him comfortingly to reassure him since she knew he was anxious about his results. Nico was thankful and grateful for her, squeezing her hand in return.

"You got the results?" He asked nervously. He was mindlessly twirling one of the rings Alaina wore, a habit he had picked up recently. Alaina didn't mind, the simple gesture always made her heart flutter and her cheeks flush, which always brought a smile to Nico's face.

"We do." Lahela replied, looking nervous after she finished typing away on the computer and seeing the results.

"I'm not going anywhere, am I?" Nico realized, his heart dropping after seeing the look on her face. Alaina frowned, moving her hand to rub his back to comfort him. She felt so bad for him. She knew how excited and hopeful he was.

"I'm afraid not." Lahela sighed. Alaina moved to stand by Nico as he sat down, taking the jacket off. He looked upset and annoyed, rightfully so. He had his hopes up for nothing. Alaina's heart ached as she sat next to him, rubbing his back soothingly.

"The bone marrow biopsy results show that your cancer did not respond to the chemotherapy. I'm so sorry, but we have to start you on a new treatment plan right away." Lahela inhales deeply, looking apologetic. "I can't let you go to the dance." She said, feeling guilty. She knew how much the two were looking forward to go together. She had overheard the conversation before she walked in. She felt bad about having to give him the news and not letting him go, but it was part of her job and she had to do it.

"But we still have a lot of options." Lahela adds. "We can even look into experimental treatments..." Her voice trailed off as she tried to find something positive to say, but it was clear to everyone that the chances of that were slim.

Nico shakes his head. "Experimental treatment is just doctor speak for 'we don't know what else to do'." He looks over at her as she frowned. "Come on, Lahela. We all know I have about ten percent chance of surviving."

Alaina's heart sank when he said that. It was true, but it still hurt hearing it. She felt like crying, but she held it together. She needed to be strong for Nico. "Ten percent is still a chance." Alaina spoke, her voice trembling. She turned to look at him, giving him a reassuring smile to try to reassure him. But he avoided eye contact with her.

"Exactly. This is not the end of the road, okay?" Lahela agrees. "Studies have shown strong links between optimism and..."

"Oh, please, I spent the last two days looking forward to some stupid dance. Look how it turned out." Nico scoffs. "Hey, I never thought that all I'd wnat to do is go to the Jellyfish Jam." He pulls away from Alaina and laid back on his bed. "Thanks a lot, doc." He breathed deeply and closed his eyes. He was disappointed and upset. He had been really looking forward to going to the dance with Alaina, his girlfriend and his best friend. They could finally have a fun night together just as normal teenagers and spend the night dancing. But now, he had to give up that dream.

Alaina frowned as she watched him, feeling so sad for him. Her heart was aching. She hated seeing him like this. She knew how much he was looking forward to going to the dance with her.

Alaina then looks over at Lahela with a small smile after seeing her guilty look. "It's okay." She mouths to her. She knew Lahela felt guilty about it. "Thank you for telling us. I'll take care of him." Lahela nodded and walked out, giving them privacy.

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