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to be enchanted

They both requires assistance and company. They discovered serenity in each other's arms in a chaotic world. The two of them were fascinated by the connection, love, and affection they had; it seemed magical.

Sevrianah Chase Javier, a student whose only goals in life are to complete her education and leave the place that brought so much pain to her, meets Ethan, a man who is looking for someone to share his suffering and longing for a person who will never return. Although it was only a simple arrangement that benefited both of them, emotions began to surface.

This story is not affiliated to PLM, EU, CEU and other universities that will be mentioned in this novel.

Pahimakas Series
1. Marahuyo [Ethan Lee]
2. Kundiman [Austin Jake Sim]
3. Paraluman [Jay Gabriel Park]
4. Takipsilim [Harper John Yang]
5. Tilatala [William Augustine Kim]
6. Humaling [Kiefer Nicholas Nishimura]
7. Tinatangi [Benjamin Park]

This story contains heavy words and events that are not suitable to immature minds and minors. Kindly leave this story if you are uncomfortable with heavy angst plot and cuss words. My characters are flawed, however, I will make my best to give justice to the main character who will suffer more pain.

you have been warned.

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