“Oh, come on, it'd be fun and you know it,” he teases.

“Yeah... maybe,” I say doubtfully.

“Give it a try,” he says.

“We'll see,” I reply.

“Well, good. You have a great birthday, okay, Kya? Eleven is going to be an awesome year for you, I can just feel it.”

“Thanks,” I reply. “You too,” I stutter over my words, “I mean, uh, like you have a good day... I mean, I know it's not your birthday too, and-”

“I get it,” he reassures me, saving me from humiliating myself further.

“Oh, cool,” I say with a sigh of relief.

“Well, I'll talk to you later. I put a letter in the mail for you today.” My face brightens as I think of the excitement of getting a letter from him. We write to each other often, calling ourselves “pen pals” even though it's a nearly outdated concept and soon we will convert to “email pals.”

“I'll write back as soon as I get it,” I promise.

“Looking forward to it.”

“Well, bye.”

“Bye,” he says. I wait for him to hang up first before I push the button on my phone to turn it off.

I bring the phone back to my mom.

“Well, that was sweet of him to call and wish you a happy birthday,” my mom states, smiling at me suspiciously. I wonder what she's thinking.

“Yeah, it was,” I agree, climbing up on a bar stool and resting my head on the breakfast counter.

“What did you two talk about?”

“He just wanted to wish me a happy birthday,” I say with a smile. Then I giggle. “Oh, and he also wanted to know if we were going to give each other mani/pedis and makeovers.” My mother laughs with me. Soon my friends arrive, but I realize that none of them will ever be half the friend Isaac is to me. I'd never been so right in my entire life.

Now, nearly six years later, all I want to do is call him up like he called me, and hope that I could make his birthday half as special as he had made mine. I couldn't even send him a birthday care-package. But, I did manage to send him a birthday card. I stood there for nearly half an hour reading cards, trying to find just the right one... eventually I did.

I think about what it said, and how true it is:

“We've been friends forever – at least it seems like forever. We've been there for each other during some of life's most difficult times, sharing advice, wisdom, and comfort. We've been there for each other to applaud the daily victories and celebrate the life-changing events that only true friends could know the real importance of. We've been friends forever and I hope that we never-ever stop, because you and your friendship mean the world to me!

Happy Birthday”

I smile at what I wrote inside:


You really are a true friend. I love you so very much! You deserve the very best birthday ever! I wish I could be there to give you lots of hugs and sing to you. I hope this year for you is the very best yet! Can't believe you're not a teen anymore – lucky! =) Know I'm thinking of you, sending tons of love to you on this very special day! You are in my heart forever. I love you, I will always be here for you.

Always and Forever,


I think even farther back in my life – back before I moved away from Florida when I was four. I try to remember if Isaac and I have spent birthdays together. I feel like we had to have... we were just so little, that it's hard for me to remember. I only have a few select memories of Isaac before I moved; they're so precious but I couldn't place the date, year, season, holiday, or anything like that. They're just memories... and sometimes when you don't completely remember one, it makes it even more special.

I eventually do make it out of my bed and my day goes on, but my thoughts don't. As I log on to my facebook, I see Isaac's page is up and running... I wonder if he did it or someone else. I post on it, and update my status to make it about him. I hope he gets to see them both, but as the day passes he posts nothing, so my confidence in that is beginning to fade.

The day ends and I smile, because I know that we are a great friends, and even if I can't be there on his birthday, call him, or send him presents, I know he is thinking of me knowing that I am thinking of him. I know our hearts are connected and that we will always be friends. I know he knows that I am sending him the biggest and bestest birthday wishes. I know he knows that I will always be here for him, love him unconditionally, and accept him for who he is. I know that he knows I admire his bravery, strength, and courage that it takes to make it through basic training and all of his years in the military. I know he knows I am thinking of him... and I know that received my telepathic message that said “Happy birthday my bestest guy friend, Isaac. I am wishing you all the best for today, this year, and this decade. I love you.”

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