The Birthday

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I smack down the top of my alarm clock. My body begs for fifteen more minutes of sleep; but as soon as I realize what day it is, my mind won't allow me another minute of sleep. Instead, I spend my last fifteen minutes before I pull myself out of bed, thinking of him. My sweet Isaac, locked away in basic training on his birthday.  

I wonder what he's doing, and what he feels. I wonder what thoughts will run through his head today, and I wonder how much he will smile. It's not even one of those filler years... it's a milestone. He's twenty today; a brand new decade... he's no longer a teenager, and he would never be a teenager again. He was growing up... it was almost like a start to a new life. He joins the military, takes on all this responsibility, turns twenty, and I'm there for none of it.

Being 800 miles away put a damper on being able to attend his going away party... kept me away from sitting next to him while he was waiting to be deported... and now, he's in basic training on his birthday and I can't even call him. I close my eyes and hold my pillow close to me as I imagine being with him. How I would make him smile and laugh... how many hugs I would give him... how happy I would be just to see him and give him my best wishes; I want this year to be the best year yet for him. I want this decade to scream happiness, change, growth, and realization for him. Joining the military was his choice, and I respect him for that choice; I admire him for that choice. But being in basic training for his birthday seems unjust.

My eyes open and the sun pours into my room. I don't want to get out of bed. I don't want to face the day. I don't want to do my homework. I just want to keep thinking about Isaac. So, that is exactly what I do.

I remember my eleventh birthday. I was having a sleep-over party with my five best girl friends; it was going to be the best night ever. Little did I know, how memorable it would actually be... and not from the sleepover. I heard the phone ring in the afternoon for about the millionth time. I was sick of relatives calling to wish me a happy birthday; relatives who only called for birthdays and sent cards once a year; relatives I didn't even really know. I mean, the grandparents' calls were great. Close aunts and uncles were sweet... but family friends a cousins were a little extreme.

I don't recognize the number, so I let my mother answer, and I hope it's the wrong number. It's not... and it's the best birthday call I will get that year. My mother hands the phone to me, I sigh and say “hello?”

“Hi, Kya,” a voice I don't recognize says.

“Who's this?” I ask, sliding down the banister towards my room.

“It's Isaac,” he says, sounding suave and I can hear the smile in his voice.

“Isaac!” I exclaim as I feel my face light up and my cheeks go red hot. “I miss you so much.”

“I miss you too. Happy birthday,” he says, and I feel the hug he sends through the phone.

“Thanks,” I reply, shifting my weight between my feet. This is the first time we'd ever spoken on the phone and I'm not sure what to say next... I could talk for hours on the phone with my girl friends... but Isaac was different. Lucky for me, he's skilled enough to keep the conversation going.

“So, are you having a huge blow-out party later?” he asks. I laugh out a “no,” and shake my head although he can't see me, so I feel stupid.

“I'm having a sleepover with some friends. I think we might go see Pirates 2.”

“Looks like an awesome movie,” he says. There's a long pause before he saves the conversation again. “So are you guys going to give each other manicures and what's that other thing?”

“Pedicures,” I say.


“I'm not a total blond girl,” I say with a giggle, thinking if he were here I would stick my tongue out at him.

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