Amane's truth: 14

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Amane couldn't get Nene out of his head. All of his thoughts had been centered around her and he hated it. The feeling that would overwhelm him every time he saw her was too much. However, when Amane overheard Nene and her friends talking about a love letter he was intrigued. Naturally, he listened closer to what they were saying to hear that Nene was going to go on a date with them!

Amane felt his heart drop just like that, which was only replaced with a bubbly burning and angry feeling. Could it be jealousy?

Amane tried to ignore it, but the way Nene was talking so passionately about going on a date with this guy made him want to find him and prove he was better.

He heard Nene's friends say he was in another class in their year.

Amane decided to hang out with Akane and Kou. They decided to go and hang out in town when of course, Amane happened to see Nene, with this boy called Akari. Upon seeing their friend notice the couple walking, Akane and Kou managed to drag him off somewhere else. They took him into a fast food place and they bought some burgers and a drink. 

"We really need to talk about how you feel towards Yashiro." Akane stated, watching Amane angrily grasping onto his drink.

"Huh?" He asked.

"Amane's feelings towards Nene?" Kou asked.


"Yes he does. There's no point denying it in front of Kou Amane, it's obvious at this point." Akane cut in. "Anyways, I can tell you're jealous about that boy, Akari." He stated as he took a bite out of his burger.

Amane clenched his jaw at the mention of,

That bastard. 

Amane thought as he thought about the way Akari was visibly flirting in the street earlier.

Still, Amane didn't reply to Akane's question.

"I never would have thought you'd  fall for her. You used to hate each other like there was no tomorrow." Akane said.

Again, Amane didn't respond.

Yes, he's known her just as long as every one of her friends. But they would never ever get long. But at one point, back then, Amane actually believed she liked him too. However, that wasn't the case. 


They hated each other.

And afterward? What did Amane say?

'I loathe you'

But now. All that could occupy his mind was her.

Why now? Why are we even friends right now?

He thought.

What even led up to it? I can't remember...


[A/N] - 

This is purposely a short chapter! As I want to do a quick pov of Nene's date with Akari after this part! Anyways, did you enjoy learning a few more hints at their past?? I hope I can portray it well, however I'm still quite nervous to decide an ending for this story- 

Please enjoy! - Tehya <33

&quot;I loathe you&quot;  Amaneneحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن