Remember: 3

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Tears rolled down Nene's cheeks as she ran to the rooftop, sweets and gifts clutched in her hands before she threw them to the ground. She burst through the rooftop door and ran to the ledge, sitting down beside it.

Why does this always happen?

Nene thought as she wiped the tears from her cheeks. Nene looked down at her ankles. 'Radish legs...'

It's not fair...

"Rejected again?" A boys voice called from behind her.

Nene didn't look at him. "Leave me alone Amane."

"It's pathetic. You shouldn't cry over a boy. Are you that desperate for a boyfriend?" Amane said coldly as he edged towards her.

"I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE AMANE! GO AWAY!" Nene shouted and ran past him out of the door.

"YASHIRO! Wh- e  r- ou- go-     in-g !"

The last words were muffled as she ran. She ignored him. 

He wouldn't understand...

Nene turned but wasn't minding her step as she tripped, falling to the ground... Everything went dark...


Nene woke up and turned her lamp on.

"Why... ugh what a pain. That boy..." Nene whispered as she got up and went to her mini-fridge, grabbing a leftover strawberry filled rice cake. She started munching on it when she checked her phone notifications.


New comment:

----AmaneYugi: Don't worry I can't believe it either, daikon.


Geeze that Amane Yugi-

Nene thought.


Not much happened for the rest of the week up till Wednesday as they went about normal classes, when Amane and Nene planned to meet again to finish their essay.

---------Amane Yugi~

Amane Yugi: Hey, Yashiro where and when are we finishing the essay. It needs to be done by Friday remember?

Nene Yashiro: Uhh Thursday at 4PM?

Amane Yugi: Yeah, where?

Nene Yashiro: The cafe maybe?

Amane Yugi: Alr.


At the end of the day on Thursday, Nene headed back to her dorm and got ready to go to the cafe. She just wore some jeans and an over sized hoodie and black shirt. She grabbed her bag and dorm keys and as she left her dorm, locking the door behind her, Amane texted her.

---------Amane Yugi~

Amane Yugi: You better not be late this time. - 3:38PM

Nene Yashiro: I won't, so shut up I'm on my way. - 3:39PM


Nene walked out of the dorms through the park to the cafe. She walked in to see Amane already there and sat at a small table in the corner near the window. It was so quiet in the cafe. Barely anyone was there.

"Hi" Nene said as she sat down opposite him.

"Alright you're here, can we get started now?" Amane said as he looked up at her.

"I loathe you"  AmaneneWhere stories live. Discover now