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      She frowned, watching as he changed directions, maneuvering with ease upon his Nimbus 2001. She had never seen him so focused before, especially not during the matches against Gryffindor. Half the time, he cost Slytherin their win because he was too focused on showing off to the other teams to search for the Golden Snitch.

     And yet, here he was, attention locked on the Snitch as he advanced on it. The beaters and chasers had already landed their brooms next to Snape and McGonagall, confusion written across their faces as they cast bewildered glances in Topaz's direction, though she was too focused on Malfoy to care.

       Suddenly, the Snitch hooked a sharp left, its wings whizzing as it hurtled in Topaz's direction. She gasped, realization dawning on her face at the same time that Draco noticed her. He yanked the nose of his broom up, but it was too late. He had already gathered too much momentum.

      Topaz yelped as she dove to the side, the Snitch whizzing just above her head as she hit the ground. The commotion that followed was overwhelming and, before she knew it, the entire Slytherin team was rushing over.

      Slightly dazed from the impact, Topaz sat up, her head spinning. Draco was plastered to the ground, his forehead creased in pain as he cradled his "injured" arm against his chest. His broom was a good meter away and the Snitch was nowhere to be seen.

      Draco must have slammed directly into the side of the storage building, she realized with a frown. He very could have easily avoided the building if he had turned his broom in the direction that Topaz had dived.

      "Mister Malfoy!" McGonagall breathed, her hand resting above her heart as she took in the scene before her. "Miss Griffin! Are you two alright?"

       Lucian Bole, one of the Slytherin beaters, was helping Draco to sit up when McGonagall and Snape reached them. "Is that how you evade obstructions, Malfoy?" Snape snapped, anger darkening his expression. "You fly into them?"

      Draco blinked groggily, his pale cheeks flushed a light pink as he held his arm against his chest. At least he's sticking to the bit, Topaz thought as she slowly stood up. Draco looked at her, his confused expression darkening into anger in a flash.

      "She distracted me," he sneered. "Why is she even here?"

      The question was met with silence. Draco and Topaz glanced at each other before they looked at McGonagall, who was barely containing her excitement. "Miss Griffin is going to be your new Beater."

      Collectively, every jaw dropped.

      Together, Topaz and Draco surged forward and staggered out, "I'm what?" and "She's what?" in unison.

       McGonagall glanced at Snape, who rolled his eyes as he rather haughtily crossed his arms over his chest. "Peregrine Derrick has been suspended from the Slytherin team. Miss Griffin will be his replacement."

      Flint looked utterly furious as he stepped forward, shouldering Draco out of the way. "She hasn't even been to tryouts," he snapped, his bushy brows furrowed. "I've seen 'er on a broom. She sucks."

      McGonagall sharply raised her hand, her smile replaced with a stern scowl. "Enough, Mister Flint. Miss Griffin is remarkably skilled with a bat. She will be your beater or your team will be disqualified. There must be seven players."

       Everybody turned to Topaz, whose jaw was still hanging in complete and utter shock. "Professor?" McGonagall turned to gaze down at her, her thin lips pressed into a frown. "May I have a word, please? In private?"

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