baby honey 🍯

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harry slowly awoke, disoriented and groggy, the room bathed in the soft morning light. as he stirred, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was different, something about his surroundings that just didn't add up. It took him a moment, but then it dawned on him - he had fallen into little space in front of Louis, his maybe...sorta...kinda boyfriend. panic surged within him as he thought about what louis must be thinking right now. he climbed out of bed and followed the comforting scent of coffee to the kitchen, dreading what would happen next.

harry entered the kitchen where louis stood pouring fresh coffee into two mugs.

"morning," louis greeted, his tone as casual as if it were any other morning. he turned to face harry, who was still visibly flustered. 

"louis, I'm so sorry," harry stammered, his voice quivering. "i didn't mean to just act like that out of nowhere, I must've freaked you out."

louis set down the coffee pot and walked over to harry, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. "hey, it's okay," he reassured harry, looking into his eyes with warmth. "you're not a freak. you're you, and I like you just the way you are."

harry's eyes welled up with tears, "you don't have to lie, I know I must seem really weird, and honestly, you're not wrong. It's just... sometimes I can't help it."

louis shook his head, his thumb brushing away a tear from harry's cheek. "i knew, harry. i knew before I even met you, niall told me"

harry's eyes widened in surprise. "he did?"

louis chuckled softly. "yeah, he did. we've talked about a lot of things, you know." he leaned in closer, a warm, reassuring smile on his face. "and harry, I've wanted a little for a long time now. in fact, ive got a whole nursery set up and ready." 

harry's face lit up with a mixture of surprise and relief. "really?" his voice filled with disbelief.

louis nodded, a soft smile on his face, as he pulled harry into a comforting hug. "yes, really, that's one of the reasons ni set us up."

as they settled into their embrace, louis gently asked, "do you want to talk about what happened, harry? I'm here to listen if you're ready to share more about last night."

 harry hesitated for a moment, his fingers fidgeting with the hem of the hoodie louis had leant him the night before. he took a deep breath and began to speak, his voice quivering with shock and the deep sense of rejection that hung heavy in his heart. "It's just... last night, it was so unexpected. I always knew they didn't really like parts of me, but I never expected this. I never thought that they would kick me out in the middle of the night with nowhere to go."

tears welled in his eyes, and he sniffled softly, trying to hold them back. "i wasn't even allowed to get any of my things," he admitted with a shaky voice. "the bag I brought with me here, it was only because I'd left it by the door from earlier that evening when I got back from work."

louis felt his heart tighten in anger and protectiveness as he listened to what had happened. "that's so unfair, harry," he said, his voice laced with frustration at the injustice of it all, "they have no fucking right to treat you like that, just because they don't like something about you."

harry's eyes glistened with tears as he continued, "I've always felt different, you know? like I never quite fit in. but last night, it was like they completely rejected me for who I am. I just... I don't know how to deal with that."

louis wiped away a tear from Harry's cheek, his touch offering comfort and reassurance. "harry," he started, speaking calmly and soothingly, "you don't have to handle everything at once. It's okay to go at your own pace and sort through your emotions step by step. what happened last night, its significant, and it will require time to work through such a traumatic experience." his fingers gently caressed harry's hair as he continued, "but right now, if being in your little space again makes you feel better, you can be as little as you like. how about we head to your new nursery?"

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