Start from the beginning

"Well, it is better than hunting them down," Johanna speaks up for the three of them.

"Yeah, why not," Katniss says a little too fast. Looking away from the three victors towards Beetee. "If it fails, no harm done anyway, right?"

Peeta nods as well, "all right, I say we try it." His eyes cross Katniss's for a split second.

"So, what can we do to help?" Finnick asks, looking over his two friends before he looks at Beetee. Silently hoping that this would be the end.

"Keep me alive for the next 6 hours," Beetee starts, "that would be extremely helpful."

"We precisely have 4 hours and 3 minutes till 10 'o clock." Thana speaks up, showing them her pocket watch. "I'd say we take some time for ourselves and then we follow his instructions."


Thana sits down with Johanna and Beetee. Leaning softly against Beetee's leg as he sits on the wire. Johanna keeps putting her axe into the sand and for once, Thana welcomes the noise. Her ears still ringing a little bit, her brain still echoing certain screams.

Thana's fingers play softly with both her brother's necklace and her own pocket watch.

"Can I see that for a second?" Beetee asks, pointing at the golden pocket watch.

"Sure," Thana smiles softly, "just don't break it." She hands him her prized possession.

"How remarkable," Beetee grins, "might I hold on to it for the night?" he asks.

Thana smiles kindly, feeling no unease at all, "sure, as leader of the plan it is most important you know the time." Thana nods and smiles at Johanna who sent her a questionable look.

"Thank you," Beetee says gratefully, "you'll get it back as soon as we see each other again." The pointed look in his eyes makes Thana smile in contentment. The ending was nearing, and she couldn't be happier.

"Are you sure this will work?" Johanna asks again, "I have a feeling that those two will leave us." Her eyes locked upon a kissing Peeta and Katniss.

"It must," Beetee sighs.


Thana gets up and walks over to Finnick, she had never seen him this quiet before. But then again, the time section, or so she was told, she met him, and Katniss was a living hell.

"I am sorry about Mags," Thana offers the boy who looks down at her, "she was quite easily the nicest and most kind victor I have ever met. No one could compare to her."

"She once told me you did," Finnick's voice barely above a whisper, "I remember her saying how incredible kind you are. And look at you and Johanna, no one else got through to her."

"You flatter me," Thana says, looking over to Johanna. "But Johanna did her part as well."

"After you got through her thick walls," Finnick points out, "I am sorry about Latif, I wanted to say that to you." He notices how her face falls momentarily.

"Thank you," she gives him a sad smile, "if I hadn't found you guys, I am not sure what would've happened to me."

"Johanna would've cut down all trees in order to find you," Finnick muses and pushes lightly against her. Making her laugh as she almost loses her balance.

"I am afraid she would've been too late," Thana looks up at her friend, "it is a wonder I got this far on my own." Finnick only hums as a respond. "Can you promise me something?"

"Depends on what it is," Finnick shrugs, looking down at the girl with a soft smile. He couldn't deny that her presence made it better, made him less alone with his thoughts.

"Can you give these to my parents if you get out and I don't make it?" Finnick sees vulnerability in Thana's eyes as she asks him. Showing a necklace. "Beetee has my pocket watch, that one as well please."

"Of course," Finnick pulls Thana into a side hug, taking the necklace he remebers Latif wearing in his games in his hand to look at it. "As long as you promise to tell her how much I love and care about her and that she has not left my thoughts since I left her."

Thana's face morphs into a big smile, "it would be my greatest pleasure, but I am sure you can tell her that yourself." The thought of Annie and Finnick reuniting makes the girl smile, makes her want Finnick to get out even more.

"Then tell Johanna how you feel," Finnick whispers into Thana's ear, grinning as he sees her cheeks reddening a little bit.

"I don't understand why you would want me to declare my everlasting deep friendship to her," Thana rolls her eyes, scoffing at her friend who laughs carelessly.

"You mean everlasting deep love, darling," Finnick quietly whispers into Thana's ear.


Nora speaking!
I just realized that in canon our darling Finnick doesn't make it. And I am not sure how to feel about it, because he is the biggest shipper of Johanna and Thana and he deserves to see his friends happily together

The other note: my study has taken up almost all of my time, and this was the last chapter I wrote the summer holiday, so I'll try to update next week, but I am not sure if I'll manage to write a chapter I am content with and one that you all deserve (because you deserve the world <3)

Love all of you for reading this story and showing your support <3
It means the world to me <333

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