The return

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Amelia returned from her vacation after spending a lot of time with her family . And was expecting Anya and Bryan anytime from then.

Amelia's POV
They should be back anytime from now because the competition ended two days ago, Bryan is really the best thing that has happened to Anya, luck brought Anya here all the way from India. Her intellect brought her here because if she wasn't intelligent they wouldn't have sent here. Akshay Anya , your parents must be so proud of you. I'll quickly tidy   our dormitory , because I'm sure she's gonna come here first and offload her study materials before they go and visit ma'am Zita.

**The door bell** went "tttttt". Amelia quickly ran off to open the door.
She was wowed  at seeing who she was thinking about.

"Anya, aww I missed you". She didn't even let them talk as she gave Her a hug.

"My intestines are about to come out, because of your tight hug". Anya teased Amelia as they all laughed over the joke .

"Are we going to chat at the doorpost?". Bryan interrupted the laughter.

"I'm sorry about that, I can't believe this Anya you have really added this few days, you are glowing . I hope you guys had quality time together, Let's sit down so we will talk properly". Amelia dusts the chair again to ensure it doesn't leave a strip of dirt on Anya's white cloth.

"Amelia, Anya can be very romantic, i actually saw her true self during this competition, and she behaves like she can't be , she even refused kisses before we went to Ireland.  But she accepted a kiss  there. I think we should just go back there soon so that she can continue being romantic ". Bryan unveiled one of the things that happened between him and Her(Anya) while they were away.

"Aww  , So Anya accepted a kiss from you that's soo sweet, how was it like Anya?".

"Ask Bryan, crazy girl  or kiss your boyfriend and see what its like". Anya recommended.

"But i don't have one, well .. Do you have a problem with me kissing Bryan so I'll know what it's like". Amelia jokingly asked,  winking at Bryan.

"I don't have a problem with it". Anya said looking away in unconcern.

"Fine, Bryan get your lips ready because I'll kiss you more than Anya ever did while you guys were in Ireland". Amelia said to know what Anya will say concerning how she felt when she received the kiss.

"Wait wait , I'll talk, i felt butterflies in my belly and i felt like going on with the kiss without ending it, I love Bryan and I'm sorry that it took time for me to reciprocate my love for you ". Anya finally confessed.

"I can see it all in your eyes that you love me soo much, your love for me can't be weighed, right?". Bryan asked Amelia.

"Yeah, Anya really loves you ".

"Even without your approval, what i said still stands ". Bryan reassures Anya's love for him.

He adjusted more to where she sat and gave her a kiss, that sent them far away from the real world.

Amelia clears her throat to bring them back.
"You guys can be patient right?". Amelia asked.

"yes we can, jealous Lia" Anya released her lips.

"Soo Anya, Bryan what's the plan?". Amelia tried to remind them of Zita.

"Ooh, We just arrived, so we will spend the night here, Bryan will be spending the night here too, then tomorrow we will go visit Zita, then Bryan's Family, right Bryan?".

"I agree with you but no on the case of going to visit my parents, Only dad truly loves me, and that's why his the only one that knows that i took you to Ireland, Isla and Mom don't know unless Rose told them. And only dad knows we have arrived at our country because his my only family". Bryan stood up to go freshen up.

"I'll Catch up with you soon". Anya told him .

"I hope Rose doesn't try to cause obstacles between you and Bryan?".

"I hope so too, she's a serpent ".

"Why don't you go meet Bryan upstairs, I'll sleep over here, two of you can stay in our room ". Amelia suggested.

"sure, thanks ".

"Why thank me, Bryan is my visitor and he can't be the one managing ".

"Amelia , thank you so much for everything, the advice,  the love , I'm grateful for them all". Anya held her two hands as she spoke and kissed them.

**In the bedroom**(just Bryan and Anya)

"Where will you be laying your head Anya?".

"I'll lay on the floor you lay on the bed".

"No, we will both sleep here, on this bed, it's enough for the both of us".


"No if's , no but's , climb on the bed, i mean lay down beside me okay?".

"okay, if you say so ".

There was deafening silence between Bryan and Anya. Then all of a sudden Bryan began to speak.

"I love you Anya. i can't really imagine my life without you, i thought you would never accept me".

"How do you know I've accepted you ?".

" Because you confessed your love for me".

"I love you too, even more than you think Bryan, I'm really sorry I couldn't reciprocate my love for you but now i know the whole truth and that Rose is the Villain and not you, I'll be the sweetest person to you to make up all those times i yelled and raised my hands at you, Rose was a serpent, i never knew everything she was telling me were all lies without boundaries ".

"Can I kiss you already, I've been fantasising ".

"Come here dude". Anya held his collar and dragged him closer to her face as she gave him a kiss .

"Let's stay within our limits". Bryan suggested.

"You are a sensible man, no girl will really wanna lose you, i don't want to lose you to another girl".

"You won't Anya, he gave her a kiss on her cheek ".

" Good night Bryan ".

"Sweet Dreams".

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Dera Jèssica 💜

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