Something very strange

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The next day Amelia seemed like someone who woke up from the wrong side of the bed.

"Wow Anya, all these dresses , bracelets, anklets, bangles, wristwatches, shoes, are all deluxe; you don't want to be serious with Bryan, look Anya you are in America, it was only God that wanted you to get admission into Bryan's college, now you are moving out of the track layed. India won't have given you Bryan that's why God wanted you to get a scholarship to study here". Amelia adviced

"I'm just waking up, is this how you take care of someone who had an accident?". Anya replied

"Was it not just a minor one as Bryan said " showing Anya some concern by checking out if the bandage needs to be changed.

" yeah it is, help me arrange everything we shopped for yesterday in the cupboard, shoe rack, makeup kit, just put them in their rightful positions.".

"No problem sis from another mom".

"I will still have to thank Bryan specifically" Anya said

"Yes, I support that idea, he is being very helpful towards us didn't turn out to be a boss and spoilt brat like I thought he was". Amelia commented .

  Anya's phone rang to pick it up it was Bryan as saved " Bry". Bryan told her over the phone that he was sending an iPhone latest version, tablet, Mobile phone and computer and Rolex that he will include his mom's picture in the package. Anya was dumbfounded, it was really difficult for her to believe how much Bryan keeps on spending on her not even being sure if she's gonna stay or leave. He seems to be sure that he has in fact married Anya.

Anya after thinking said"thank you " hangs up.

"What did he say?". Amelia curiously asked

"He ordered iPhone, tab and computer for me, I'm gonna receive it today". Anya responded

"Bryan loves you soo much; you don't value him, preserve him PLEASE, he is not a tool but a Godsent, he will help you to become the Anya you want to become, that Lawyer that will fight for justice, think about it, you will make a difference in your country, India ". Amelia leaves the room to check whose on the door.

It was the mailer; Amelia received all Bryan sent including the picture, then she signed; and shut the door.

Amelia gave Anya everything including the picture.

"Bryan is ready to give Anya the whole world" Amelia thought .

Anya kept the gadgets aside and concentrated more on the picture.
" I have seen this woman somewhere". Anya inquisitively told Amelia

"Me too "

" she looks very familiar, I've seriously seen her somewhere but where in particular ". Anya investigated.

"Yes Anya! She stays at the trash house just immediately after our campus". Amelia remembered.

"Amelia you are right that mad woman that threw spoiled bread at us a few weeks ago".

"Yes she's the one in this picture , could it be her look alike ". Amelia investigated

" Bryan never told me his mum was a lunatic and she looks very okay in this picture ,I don't think she's the one". Anya supported Amelia

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