First step into Bryan's house 🏠

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The weather was cozy in college as Anya was having lectures in her class and Emerald came around again to mock her.

"Hey!how was it?".                                                                             
"What in particular?".She asked showing gestures with her hand.

"It..... Emerald tries to talk, immediately one of his friends called
him and he ran out with him to go and hang out with the coolest
girl in their campus.Anya remembers Sir Bryan watch which he
forgot in the dormitory,she immediately ran off to give it to him
as she had nothing doing.She enters Sir Bryan office without
knocking and shuts it.                 
"That 's a wife indeed ".

"Wife?I'm not yet your wife" 

"Oooh,so I have to make you my wife before I call you my wife"
He said grinning .

" I came to take, I meant to give you your diamond wrist watch" Anya hands it over to him.

" I was looking for it, thank you and I promise to get a gift that's worth millions for bringing this watch to me, please can you follow me to my house ?"

"No Bryan! what about your parents?"

"I want to introduce you to them"

"What about the school rule?"

"Your already at your final levels and soon you will leave the college ,who cares about the rule when your education will be done and dusted soon".

"Bryan I really care, that's why we need to be  extra careful because now I'm at my final levels any little mistake will lead to suspension or expulsion; which I do not want to obstruct my dreams ".

"Fine.. but I still insist at least dine with my family ,my dad still likes you and takes you as his own daughter won't you  do this much for him?".

"You're very funny Bryan, if I'm his daughter, then we can't be in a relationship".

" Why are you stubborn, now I don't want to hear anything from you , you're coming with me to my house at this moment and right now!".

Bryan and Anya have entered the mansion.

"Good afternoon Sir Lucas" Anya greeted with soo much respect

" Good afternoon Dad" Bryan greeted as well.

"How are you Anya? "Sir Lucas asks showing her a vacant coach

She sits" I'm good sir".

" You're welcome my dear".

Ava,  Isla and Casmir came in all of a sudden with lots of goodies ,seems like casmir is in love with Isla ,don't you think so because they think  alike about Anya and they are usually seen together , they all dropped the shopping bags and moved simultaneously to view whether it was Anya or not ?

They chorused "what ?". Poor Anya,she isn't comfortable at all.. the A. C was too high she couldn't endure so she beckoned on Bryan to reduce it ,immediately Isla noticed what was happening she laughed out loud.

" Isla what's wrong with you , won't you welcome our visitor well? Ava you too , Casmir please leave my house"Lucas ordered and he obeyed at once .

"Dad!!!why did you chase my visitor away just like that in that case I will not let this girl stay". Isla moves towards Anya trying to push her out of the mansion.

"Isla you try no such "Bryan says as he held her hand and follows it up with a thunderous slap;it was like FUAH!, "You try that no more, you will not chase my GF out my life by all means even death Isla, if this disturbance continues in this bed of thorns called a mansion, I'll leave and never return, till true love locates you, mom and that Jerk, you choose to fool Casmir, I thought he was a friend, but now I know he is a Jerk just like you Isla!" Bryan warns the whole family as he holds Anya's hand parading in circles of his family passing a strict warning".

"Dad! Mom! You let this brutish slob of no value slap me?" Isla cries out loud.

"Dear, he is still your elder brother, I know it's all because of Anya, but don't worry you and I will deal with her later ". Ava whispered into Isla's ears.

"Bryan no one is depriving you of your rights but just do it the right way, the school law already.... "Sir Lucas gets interrupted.

"No !nothing like! the school rule about relationship page 204, No. 3, must be changed!" Bryan yells.

Anya's phone rang continuously but she didn't want to bring it out because it was outdated, she knew Isla wouldn't miss the opportunity to get on her nerves again if she tried to present it right in front of her , but the phone call persisted and Bryan insisted she pick it .

"Okay, here I go 1, 2, 3, (she said within her) (she called Bryan's attention)Bryan, can I step aside and answer this call" Anya asked.

"No, you are free to stay here". Anya brought out her phone and what she assumed came to reality, it seemed like Isla was just waiting for her so that she could attack her. She thundered

"hahahaha". "What kind of phone do you use?, poor thing". Isla moves closer to Anya to analyse her phone. Literally, Anya was on a phone call with one of her course mates but she told her" I will call you back when I get to the dormitory".

Isla kept on staring at her phone" did you bathe in poop, I mean did you bathe in dirty water or maybe a dustbin. I'm still wondering how my brother talks with you, whenever you speak your breath also stinks it gets into my nose and hits my nostrils, that must really be a bad smell caused by not bathing, what do you think mom?"Isla mocked naive Anya.

Anya felt bad, she felt like it was true. This time around she couldn't move back nor front, she couldn't even talk, she only stared at Bryan who brought her there in the first place to receive such insults and humiliation , droplets of tears escaped her eye and were dripping to the tiles.

"Hey, your tears are staining the tiles, do you know how expensive it is? Even all your stupid clothes can't buy a packet of it" Isla sighs and leaves.

"Isla, Isla!"Bryan ran after her till she was out of sight.

Anya couldn't hold back the tears and she couldn't break down in front of Ava and Lucas; so she ran out of the mansion to look for a nice spot to cry out her sorrows. When Bryan returned he asked

"Where did Anya go to? Mom? Dad?, won't you answer me?".

Bryan felt like he was wasting time so he ran out to know if he can catch up with her anywhere she may have ran to.
He searched for her and finally saw her beside his car, siting on the floor in tears from a distance, he was happy that at least he have seen her so his heart gladdened. Anya noticed he was coming towards her, she took off her heels and ran. Bryan followed her out of the gate, "noonnoo" that was what Bryan said as Anya was trying to cross the road without checking out for incoming vehicles, it was late on Bryan's side as Anya has already been hit by a Lexus 350 vehicle, which spod off after hitting Anya.He rushed her to the hospital as she laid lifeless, bleeding profusely.


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