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After the fight, The fighters took a rest. They can't kill those infected persons. The more they kill the more they multiply. Rage made a circle with fire around the warehouse.

For two days, Ziro didn't try to drink blood from Shura. That's why, He become weak, pale and breathless. The more he used his bullet the more he demands blood. For your information, Ziro's power is not the gun but the bullet. His bullets are made by his blood, to be exact, poisonous blood. His gun was made by an inventor vampire that only be used by Ziro, only him. That is his power, His poisonous blood.

Meyo noticed his condition so she got closer to him.

"Are you alright, Ziro?" Meyo asked.

" I'm fine. Just - leave me alone." Ziro moved a bit far from Meyo and leaned his back to the wall, still breathing rapidly.

"Why do you hate me that much?" Meyo asked when she noticed what he did earlier.

Ziro sighed and looked at her.

"I- I don't hate you. Satisfied?" Ziro said then closed his eyes to calm himself.

Suddenly, Meyo smiled in relief and her eyes sparkled in happiness but she suddenly got mad.

"Then why did you choose her over me?!" She asked with anger.

"What word that you can't understand in 'LEAVE ME ALONE'?" Ziro controlled himself not to be mad.

"But you don't hate me, right?" Meyo is trying to seduce him.

Ziro closed his eyes and clenched his jaw to prevent his demonic side to Meyo because he knew he could kill her in a second.

Suddenly, Meyo kissed him. Ziro was so shocked. Meyo kissed him but he didn't kiss her back. Meyo thought she succeeded but Ziro pushed her.

"What's wrong?" Meyo asked.

"Shura." Ziro was looking at her back so she turned around and looked at Shura, standing and looked shock.

Meyo smiled at her like she won the game. Thinking she would have him at last.

"What are you doing here, Meyo?" Shura asked her masking her hurt feelings.

ZOMBIES VS. VAMPIRE (BOOK ONE)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora