Y/n follows the sounds of the Griever and the screams of Newt.
Left, right, right, left, left, a dead end, running back and right.
She can see them, the ugly and terrifying Griever, and the terrified boy.

Y/n now realizes she doesn't have a plan. What is she going to do?
Kill a Griever? And are they gonna be back in the Glade in time? Will they find the way back?
'I just killed myself, haven't I?' she thinks.
But that's not the most important thing right now. She has to save Newt.

"Don't worry, Newt, I'm right here!"

She is thinking about a way to stop the Griever, to kill it or for it to go away.
But the Griever isn't even really hurting Newt. He hasn't been stung or something.
The monster was just holding him. It's like it is just tying to kidnap Newt.

"Y/n, run back to the Glade!"

"I'm not leaving you here, Newt."

"No, please, run Y/n!"

Y/n looks in the opening behind her. There are two people standing behind her.
They are dressed completely in black and wear a kind of helmet, Y/n can't see their faces. But they are holding big guns.

One of them points the gun at the Griever and Newt.
"What are you doing?" Y/n asks, thinking he might shoot Newt.

But the men don't answer her.
The one shoots, and the bullet hits the Griever. Y/n looks at how the monster is having pain, and she tries to run back to Newt.

But the men are holding her. She feels a little sting in her neck. She looks at Newt. But then, everything went black.

The Griever drops Newt on the ground. He can't immediately stand up and looks at Y/n.
Newt sees how her eyes close slowly and how her body becomes weak.
The guys take her so she won't fall on the ground. It's like she is asleep.

Newt wants to scream, but he's still out of breath from all the screaming before. The Griever isn't looking at him anymore and is just walking away. "HEY! What are you doing to her?!"

When Newt gets up again and walks to Y/n, the Maze changes again.
The opening between the two of them has closed before Newt could reach her.

He's alone again.
The Griever is gone, but so is Y/n.
She is the one who has been taken, not Newt.

"NO, Y/N!!!!" Newt screams as loud as possible. He starts to panic and cry and screams. "Y/N!!"

Newt hears someone getting closer to him. It's Minho. He had also followed the two in the Maze.

"Oh, thank God, you're alive," Minho says. "Where is Y/n?"

Minho sees how Newt's tears ricochet down his face.
"They took her, Minho." Newt starts hiting the wall that has separated them with his fists.

Minho wants to ask a million questions, but he knows the doors to the Glade are about to close.

"Newt, we need to get back. The door will close."

"We can't leave Y/n behind?!"

"But we can't die either, Newt. You know we have to go back, now."

"I can't even run fast enough to make it back in time."

"I'll carry you, come on."

With struggles, Newt climes up Minho back, and Minho sprints back to the Glade.

Newt feels like they have placed a knife right through his heart. He has never felt this hurt.


The two make it back to the Glade, just in time.

They immediately collapse on the ground. Minho is tired, he has been running all day and now had to run with Newt on his back. Newt is in shock.

All the Gladers have been nervously waiting by the doors, scared that they would lose three Gladers that day.
Alby gets forward when the two are lying on the ground, out of breath.

"What happened out there?" he asks.

Gally gets mad and comes closer, too. "Where is Y/n?!"

"I don't know what happened," Minho says.
"Y/n was gone before I found Newt."

Newt can't talk or face anyone.
He doesn't know what to say. And he's just crying too much.

"Gone?! Newt, what happened out there? Are you hurt?"

Minho looks at his friend, who completely crashed down but still tries not to show it.
"I think we'll have to give him some time first."

Alby made all the Gladers leave, and Minho and Newt are sitting alone in front of the closed door.
Newt is trying to calm down, to control his breath again.
Alby is coming back to them to talk.

"Can you try to tell us what happened, Newt?"

"Uhm, the Griever had grapped me and took me in the Maze. And Y/n followed us through the Maze."

"And did she find you?"

"Yes. She told me not to worry.
But before she did anything, I saw two people standing there. They looked like guards, dressed in black, with masks and big guns."

"Guns?! I heard a shot. They didn't shoot Y/n, right?"

"No, no, they didn't. But they did take her. I think they gave her something and she passed out.
I saw them carrying her because she couldn't stand up. And before I could do anything, the Maze changed, and the wall closed.
And she was gone."

"Then what was that shot?"

"One of the guards had shot the Griever. It let me go and just had gone away."

"So, they saved you, then took Y/n away?"

Newt nods. "I don't even know if she's alive."
His eyes are filled with tears again.

"And are you hurt or stung Newt?" Alby asks.

"No, not really. We need to get Y/n back, Alby."

"We can't do anything now for her.
For now, she belongs to the Maze.
And if it are the creators who took her, maybe she will come back. We'll see how it goes."

Newt can't believe this is even real.
He had just seen how the girl he's in love with, the girl that made him happy, was taken away. And he doesn't know if he will ever see her again.

"Tomorrow, we will look for any sign of her in the Maze, Newt, I promise," Minho says, trying to comfort his friends a bit.

"I'll go with you," Newt replies.

"Newt, you can't. You can't even run. You're not going in that Maze again." Alby says.

~~Newt's pov~~

I hate the fact that Alby is right.
I really can't run in that Maze, my leg won't let me.
But I need Y/n back. And if that's a way I might find her, I have to do it. But it can't.

I don't want to give up on her, but I don't have hope right now. It hurts too much. I lost her, before I really could get her. And I saw it with my own eyes, but I couldn't even do anything to save her.
I couldn't protect her.

I just feel so empty inside again.







Subject A5 & A17 (Maze Runner-Newt x reader)Where stories live. Discover now