Drinking Coffee Like a Person

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    When the news came, Bill was surprised. Not that they died, but that they comprehended his words. Or, well, they tried to. The blonde sat on the edge of his bed, eyes flicking across the screen as the news panned out in front of him. A few girls came on screen, crying as they attempted to describe the scene that none of the cameras were early enough to catch. Bill observed them with a visible frown. 

    "One of the other students... I don't know who she was- she was up on the second floor. She asked him why he was doing this." A girl who was still dressed in darkly-colored pajamas told a reporter, "And he answered, 'Because it doesn't matter.'"

     Bill sighed in exasperation. "That's not the point I was trying to make, you idiots." He muttered, as if the dead students could hear him, "That's not the point at all."

     He closed his laptop and stood before walking to the door. It was safe to say that his experiment was unsuccessful. But that was only a small deterrence. He still had all the wonders of being a human to look forward to. Bill grabbed his top hat and his cane before heading outside.

     It was early morning, and the sun was just beginning to rise. Blood still remained on the sidewalk where the students had landed. Bill could see it from where he stood across the street. The boys' dorm was adjacent to the girls', and Bill had always questioned that. Was it really the best idea to put a bunch of hormonal college kids so closely together? He glanced at the reddened cement and shrugged. Apparently it wasn't.

     Bill resumed his walk, going on his merry way to the coffee shop around the corner. It was a really good thing that they opened early, because Bill had been wanting to try it for a long while. Upon entering the shop, the waitress told him in a rather nonchalant manner to sit wherever he wanted. He gladly did so, choosing a booth against the far wall.

     Bill didn't observe the shop immediately. He took a few moments to daydream, thinking back to the class. He'd been so sure that none of the students had taken anything from his brief lesson. The professor clearly did, and that was enough for him. Why continue to bother trolling the beginners when he'd already bemused the master?

     But Bill had made a critical error. He hadn't given the students enough credit. Apparently a couple of them had actually dwelled upon what he'd said. He smiled a little at that realization. Hey, he was actually able to break through to a few of the imbeciles. Sure, it only partially so, but still. It was progress.

     The waitress came back to take his order, to which he responded, "A cup of coffee with everything." He didn't know what he wanted to put in it; it was too difficult to choose. Besides, who knew how long it would be until he was able to have a cup of joe again? He wanted to try it all so he wouldn't miss out on the experience later.

      The waitress appeared bewildered, but accepted the vague order nonetheless. She vanished within the kitchen, and Bill went back to pondering the situation. He regretted not being there to watch them die. He supposed that he could just look back in time and watch it like a movie, but it wouldn't be the same. Besides, it wasn't important. It had happened regardless of his presence, and the important thing was how Bill dealt with the aftermath.

     Now Bill had to think like a scientist. He had to use logic, of all things. Who would have thought that he – a being so long independent of the laws this universe – would adhere to the thought of structure? Had Bill been told this a couple of millennia ago, he would have never believed it. But he was a long way from home, and logical thinking was the quickest way to get things done in a universe that operated upon it.

     The waitress set a mug of coffee down on his table. Bill quickly dismissed his previous train of thought to focus on the liquid. "Oh, thanks! I really needed this..." He paused to stare at the cup. Human coffee. How peculiar. "Heh, look at me." Bill murmured to himself, "I'm going to drink it like a person....!"

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