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It was evening, when Beomgyu returned home and went inside after taking his jacket off.

He went to his room and saw her sleeping whilst head resting on the headboard. He decided not to disturb her and went to take a shower.

After freshen up, he walked over to her and carefully began removing the handcuffs but ended up waking her, as she winced in pain.

He placed the handcuffs on the table before proceeding to grab her wrist but she hide it away from him whilst continuously shaking her head, not wanting him to touch it because of the bruises.

He got up and went to take the first aid kit before approaching her again. He gently took her wrist and proceeded applying the medicine while trying to be careful after watching her hissing in pain.

After he was done, he placed the thing back on it's place and proceeded outside to make something for dinner whilst she silently watched him walking away.

After a while, he returned and she saw him placing the food on the table before sitting on the bed near her, he didn't brought for himself since he's already done with his meal.

"Have it."

He said calmly but she somehow found his tone demanding as if he's still mad at her.

She didn't felt hungry and didn't wanted to eat but she was too scared to utter a word. Her hands were shaking as she stared at the food then at him who was waiting for her to finish already.


She flinched slightly when he asked after seeing her not even touching the food.

Her eyes getting watery and body began trembling while she was looking down and shaking her head. She felt suffocated, staying in the same room with him whilst he couldn't comprehend her actions.

She let out a loud yelp of surprise when he picked her up and placed her on his lap as she clutched onto his biceps.

"Do you want me to feed you?"

He asked wondering if she's having difficulty so he'd help her in eating.

"I-I don't w-want to eat."

She finally let out while her head was hung low.


"I-I'm not h-hungry."

She replied shaking her head while her whole body was trembling beneath him.

"Eat a little, starving yourself would just led you to faint."

He stated and raised his hand to caress her hair but she flinched again.

She bited onto her lips to prevent making any noise but she was too scared that she ended up sobbing a bit loudly and hide her face in his chest.

"I-I won't do t-that again, p-please don't c-cuff me. I-It hurts."

Her breathing was uneven as she stuttered out.

"Why should I trust you?"

He asked, causing her heart to drop at the pit of her stomach.

Now only her loud sobs could be heard in the whole room, as he sighed feeling her trembling body against his own, 'shouldn't have raised my voice' he thought recalling yesterday's event when he yelled at her.

"Look up."

He said breaking the hug and making her look up at him, but she still couldn't look up and seemed almost breathless.

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