Chapter 16: Agreeing

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"So we agree to him?" Nick asks me as we walk down the hallway to Dad's office

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"So we agree to him?" Nick asks me as we walk down the hallway to Dad's office. I told Derrick everything and to say he was mad would be an understatement. He is Raging.

"Yes we do! If we want to know about Dad's future plans, then we will have to go along with his plans"

"What about the Italians? They did actually..." He trailed off.

I have told him and Derrick about my conversation with Dad.

"No, dad has a misunderstanding. I, myself checked Lorenzo's kill file and no where was the Spanish mentioned"

"So he lied?" He asks.

"No he didn't, he just thinks it's them since they were enemies years ago"

He hums and we continue to walk down the hallway until we are standing in front of Dad's office. I knock and we get in after hearing a small 'come in'.

Dad looks up from the file and his eyes fall on me and Nick standing beside each other. Sebastian sits at the couch on the other side of the room, drinking wine with a smirk etched on his face as he looks at us.

"So what have you two Decided?" Dad asks all happily already knowing my decision.

I glance at Nick and he nods saying he's completely alright with the plan. I look back at Dad and speak, "we will get married!"

"Perfect!" Dad grins pulling me into a hug, "I knew you would never disobey me, my child"

I simply smile at him and decide to walk out. As I turn around, dad calls me.

"Yes?" I say.

He pulls out two velvet boxes and hand each one to both me and Nick.

"You both will wear these till the wedding, come on wear it"

I sign defeatedly and wear it on my finger. I look over at Nick and he is looking at his Father who is looking at us with a disgusting smirk of his own. He wears the ring too.

I walk away as soon as possible trying to avoid any more conversation.

I was walking down the hallways when I got stopped by Luna. I pick her up in my arms. She purrs and signs softly.

My baby

I reach the backyard and sit on one of the benches with Luna on my lap. Minutes later Nick joins me and sits down beside me. He looks at me and asks, "You okay?"

"Yeah, I guess. It's just Dad is really confusing me nowadays. Ever since I went to Italy, he has been acting all weird. At first he didn't want me to comeback, then all of a sudden calls me home as soon as possible. Also, everytime when I used to ask him 'when am I talking over?' he just used to flip me off and now he wants me take over as soon as possible. He's so confusing" I ramble on to him about my life recently.

"Damn, can't relate. My Dad has always been a power hungry person so I'm not surprised with this wedding thing" he chuckles.

"So we both have Dad issues" I declare.

He chuckles, "I guess so"

He then adds, "Also after you walked away, your dad told me to give you this information that we should get married in the next 6 months and then you can take over during the Mafia balls"

I just hum.

We sit in silence when he asks again, "What are you thinking?" He asks.

"I'm thinking I should definitely talk to Lorenzo, you know. To actually know what happened to the Spanish" I admit.

"You can but what does it have to do with us getting married" he asks.

"It doesn't, but it can distract dad's mind out of this marriage. If he finds out that the Italians aren't involved with the Spanish's death, he will try to find the real culprit"

"Hmm" he says, "so we can postoned the wedding for some time?"


"And after that?"

"I'll make up some excuse, don't worry. You don't have to marry me" I say with a little laugh at the end.

"I won't mind if I do" he say making both of us laugh.


"Why don't you and Nick go on a vacation?" Dad says barging into the Library where I'm ready a book.

"What?" I ask completely confused as to why we should go to a vacation.

"You and Nick should go on a vacation. You know like spend some time together before you both are married" he says like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

I close the book, still sitting on the bean bag.

"Dad there are still six months left. What's the rush?"

"No rush baby, I just want you to enjoy the remaining of your time"

"Remaining of my time?" That sounds like I'm dying.

"I meant before you take over. After you take over, you'll barely be free. So go and enjoy your time, go shopping for the wedding, the Mafia balls ans everything. Okay?"

"I can do that even at the last moment. There is still so much work to do before the taking over ceremony. Who will do that dad?"


I stare at him blankly. "It's me whose taking over dad, not you"

"I know but why does it matter. You do or I do, it's the same thing"

"No it's not!"

He left out a long breath clearly frustrated from me "Sweetheart do you not trust me? You think I'll do something wrong behind your back?"

My eyes widen, "No dad! I never said that. You know how much I trust you. I can't even imagine that you could do anything bad. I so sorry that's not what I meant. I was just thinking that-"

"Thinking that me caring for my daughter is a foolish thing? Right?" He says.

"Dad what's wrong with you. Why are you misinterpreting everything I'm saying?" I ask astonished at his sudden change of behaviour.

He shakes his head at me in disappointment.

I feel my heart clench. I didn't want him to be disappointed with me.

"Listen to me Dad, I just meant that there's so much work. How will you do everything alone? I just wanted to help you and lighten your burden"

He looks at me with so much hate that's making my eyes water. "If you just listen to me, my heavy burden will become lighter" he says, his teeth gritting at every words he says that itself is wrapped around hate and disgust.

He starts to walk way when I stop him, "What?" He says loudly with clear frustration that made me flinch.

"I'll do whatever you say, just don't be angry with me" I basically plead.

His eyes softens as he looks at me, "I'm not. So are you going with him?"

"Yes" I say.

"Great! I'll inform Sebastian and Nick that you agreed" he let's out a huge smile and then walks out of the door.


What is happening?😱

It's just been a little more than 24 hrs since the last update so does it count as a double update?👀


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