"Stay away from my girl." •15•

Start from the beginning

Everyone was stunned as Yoko literally backed Dawn to the fountain and pushed her in. The group left before things escalated, Divina quite literally had to drag Yoko by her arm. They Reached Lane's and Lyssa's dorm and hung out in there. They played games and chatted for a while. But Yokovina were in the corner talking.

Divina: Yoko, you know I love you right?

Yoko: I do, but what's wrong?

Divina: I appreciate that you stood up for me but maybe you went a little bit too far?

Yoko: If you mean overkill then maybe but I don't regret it.

Divina: God it's hard to be mad at you! I love you but next time I want you to breathe and walk away- and your too close!

Yoko: Am I? But I'll try too be mild in a situation like that.

They both kept talking before they had to go back to class. To Divina, Yoko seemed completely normal, just protective. However to everyone else, they could tell Yoko was extremely obsessed with Divina, Enid even made the comment of Yoko possibly becoming a Yandere, and todays outburst might have just confirmed their theory. They all left the dorm and one by one went to their last class, Yoko and Divina had separate classes so Yoko dropped her girlfriend off at her class. Before heading off to her own she had "business" to take care of.

Yoko spotted who she was after and she quickly got to "work".
Niguel was walking to class when all of a sudden he was pulled into the Janitor's closet by a mysterious figure dressed in black, head to toe. Is it even a question whom the figure is?It only took seconds before the room went dark for Niguel and the school bell rang. When he awoken he was in a place he didn't recognize. It was dark, cold, and he could feel someone staring him down. Slowly a figure stepped out of the shadows and into the light.

Niguel: Who are you!! What do you want from me!!

The figure slowly took off their ski mask revealing Yoko, angry could be seen in her glowing red eyes.

Yoko:... stay away from my girl.


Yoko: You must think I'm stupid.


Yoko: You lost rights the second you thought you could take my Divina away from me.
She. Is. Mine.
And it will stay that way until the end of time.


Yoko: Oh you will. I'm going to make sure of it. You see Niguel, not only doing is this your last day on earth. I will get to watch you die. The only choice you have is if you die in my hands or in my men's hands.

Niguel: Y-You have men.?

Yoko: I didn't mention my father is in the mafia? My mistake, how about you meet him while I take care of another.

Along the corners more vampires appeared and just step in front of Yoko and directly face to face with Nigel

Niguel: No no, you can't leave me here! Yoko! YOKO!

Yoko watched as Niguel tried to scream for help, it was hilarious because he was 30 miles away from civilization. She watched as his blood spattered along the walls, his screams grow quieter and quieter, seeing the light go out of his eyes gave Yoko the satisfaction that she wanted. Once the job was done, the men started cleaning up the scene as Yoko and her father were taken away from the scene. Yoko was back in her uniform and before leaving her father wanted to talk. He couldn't be prouder of Yoko.

Kenichi: Ah young love, such a beautiful and most beautiful thing. Now Yoko, I won't be here for all the kills however, I do hope you're going to be able to take care of everything yourself?

Yoko: I will Father. I'm going to assume that you and Mother were the same?

Kenichi: We couldn't have been more in sync! Ah now I'm aware you've chosen to date Cecilia's daughter? Is she still without emotion? Poor girl, she was trapped in the walls of her room because of that pathetic excuse of a man and Father.

Yoko: Divina is wonderful, sweetest girl at Nevermore, her blood is quite delectable as well. Her Father is dead, and he shall remain that way, I know what I saw him do to Mother and Cecilia. He deserves worse than rotting in hell.

Kenichi: We couldn't agree more my Daughter. You've already marked her? Impressive Yoko, it took your brother 5 years before he drunk any of Amy's blood. You protect your lover at any means necessary.

Yoko: I count on it Father.

Yoko waited until the next bell before entering the school again. She made sure she looked completely normal and didn't smell any different. And just as planned she had gotten away with it. School ended and now she could spend the rest of her day with her girlfriend.

They were in Yoko's dorm, Divina was studying while she was sitting in Yoko's lap. Yoko knew what she done and she'd do it again, and she will, her love for Divina was infinite. She let Divina study and just admired her beauty, Divina felt Yoko's eyes on her. She had turned around smiling, she looked at her girl who was looking back at her. They both kissed before Divina went back to her textbook.

Poor girl doesn't have any idea what Yoko is capable of. However, all is fair when it comes to love. Especially the love between a Siren and a Vampire. Yoko was obsessed with Divina, but being with her Girlfriend kept her sane, therefore just having Divina on her lap while wrapping her arms around her waist, she knew that Divina belonged to her, and Divina knew that she belonged to Yoko, however she didn't know what that meant. Yoko knew she'd do anything, anything possible to ensure that Divina was going to be hers and only hers even past death, no matter the cost.

Divina: I love you Yoko, and I'm almost done studying so we can cuddle.

Yoko: Can't you just finish early? You can just study tomorrow. I want my girlfriends warmth and attention.

Divina: Hm, I guess I can. Besides I've missed your touch.

Yoko: God I love you so much Divina.

Divina: I love you too my Vampire.

Yoko smirked as she move one of her arms down and around Divina's thighs picking her up bridal style and taking her to bed. The two just cuddled and just enjoyed being with the other. Slowly Divina fell asleep fully on Yoko's chest accidentally feeding the vampires obsession. However yoko had already begun another phase.

END! <3

- Cam

&quot; 𝘛𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩 𝘥𝘶𝘦 𝘶𝘴 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵&quot; - 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘢 Siren and Vampire in love ♥️🩵Where stories live. Discover now