Jimin smiles, "Well that is a good thing."

"Jimin and I will give you a ride. Besides I would love to see you act. Jimin has seen you and say you are amazing."

You blush at his comment, "Well, I don't know about amazing, but I like to think that I'm pretty good."

Jimin laughs, "I would say you are more than pretty good."

This makes your blush deepen.

"Jimin goes to a lot of plays so if he says you are amazing then I would take him for his word."

On the drive over, JK is on his phone texting someone while Jimin is driving. You tried to see who he was texting discreetly, but the angle wasn't right in the car.

Man, my skills are really rusty.

Jimin and Jk take a seat a few rows form the back of the theater. You are about to walk up on the stage when the side door opens. Everyone looks to who is walking in. Your mouth drops open when you realize that it is Yoongi.

How on earth did he know? You look back at Jimin and JK, both are giving you thumbs up and smiling. JK shoots you a wink.

You whisper to yourself, "I should have known they were up to something. So that is who he was texting this morning."

I'm so screwed now.

The director notices him and makes his way over to him, "Ah, Mr. Min. What brings you here?"

"A little birdy told me that my fiancé was having an audition today. I figured I could stop by and see her at work. Since she never wants me to see her act."

"Loerli isn't auditioning today."

You watch as Yoongi slightly cringes at the mention of her name. This makes you giggle. Oh, Mr. tough guy can't handle little Loreli. That's priceless.

He clears his throat, "Despite what Loreli has told everyone here. She is not my fiancé."

"My apologies. Who are you here to see then?"

Yoongi looks over the director's shoulder and smirks, "Y/n."

You get hit on the shoulder and you let out a yelp, "Why didn't you tell me you snagged the most eligible bachelor in the city?"

You rub your arm, "We were keeping things private."

You give Yoongi a sided glare and you swear you see him smirk even bigger. Asshole.

"Well, the cat is out of the bag now. Maybe no Loreli will stop getting roles she doesn't deserve."

"I don't want to get roles just because he is my fiancé." Jun spins you to look at her.

"Y/n, lighten up. You deserve the roles. This is just giving the leg up you need to be able to beat the girls like Loreli. Who only have their fathers name to get them roles."

"I guess."

You look back over at Yoongi and notice the scowl on his face. You wonder what made him have that look for. I hope I didn't do anything to piss him off.

You shake your head to refocus your thoughts and then walk up on stage.

"Y/n, you can begin whenever you want. Same scene as yesterday."

You nod your head. Closing your eyes for a second to get into character and after letting out a deep breath you begin reciting the lines. After thirty minutes and doing different scenes than yesterday, the director dismisses you.

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