"Can I go home?"


The grass felt so cold for his liking, but there's nothing he could do.

He couldn't bring himself to go home, all the memories were eating him alive.

He was sat in front of Han jisung's grave.

He was crying, because he missed him. He had been crying for half an hour. The tears won't stop.

In his hand there was the letter jisung wrote to him before leaving, it was yet to read.

He wiped the tears and opened the letter.

Dear love,
I hope you're okay. And it isn't your fault that I left. It'll never be, please don't blame yourself.
You were never the reason I left, you were my smile, my happiness, you were my baby, you still are. My little baby:)

I left because I couldn't do it anymore, this world was weighing me down, like whenever I went out to work it took a piece of my heart, making it shallow.
I would have died years back, but then I met you. The love of my life. You saved me until you couldn't anymore.

I know my thoughts were also a reason of me leaving you. I was always thinking, did I deserve you, did I deserve the care from you and did I deserve your love.

And now I know, I didn't deserve you Minho. You deserve so much better, someone who could treat you better than I ever did, someone who love you much more than I did, and someone who didn't leave like I did.

I'm sorry, I really am.
I love you Minho, I love you a lot and I'll always do.

From your sungie <3

The letter ended, leaving Minho in tears, he didn't know that jisung thought that bad about himself.

He clutched the letter in hand and sobbed, until he was exhausted to think about anything.

And then suddenly he felt that warmth again. It left as fast as it came.

"Min" he heard a mumble of his name. He ignored it but the voice called out again.

He stood up and slid the letter in his pocket. He followed the direction where the voice was coming from.

He went past a bush and there was a lake, he was in awe seeing the view.
The sky was orangish-red coloured, and the sun was setting, the lake was clean, that he could see through it.

Then he noticed a faint figure of someone sitting near the lake. He walked upto them.

"Excuse me?" He called out but the person didn't respond. He tried to touch the stranger's shoulder but his hand passed through it, as if the person was made up of gas.

He gasped and the person turned around.


Jisung smiled, it was not a happy one. "I thought you-" Minho couldn't complete, it was hard to speak.

"Minho I love you" jisung said stood up facing Minho.

As the younger took a hold of the other's hand, he made eye contact.

"I'm so sorry Minho" jisung cried. Minho broke down and dropped to his knees. Jisung crouched down in front of him.

"Why did you have to leave" Minho sobbed out. Jisung moved his hand to touch Minho's cheek, but he couldn't feel anything, neither could Minho, but jisung still had to stay strong for Minho.

"I had to" he paused, "you need to move on from me Minho"

"Minho" someone shook his shoulder a little, and he opened his eyes. "You were crying Minho" Chan said and sat down beside the younger.

Minho touched his cheek and stared at his hand, "Chan? I met sungie"

I know it was not good, but i wanted to post this.

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Don't hurt yourself<3

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