I saw you, I love you.

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Hi! Lemme just tell you how the characters in this story.

!!First of all, WARNING: THIS STORY CONTAINS SWEARING AND ALSO SELF HARM. AND BXB THINGS. If you don't like it, please leave. Thanks.!!

Lee Minho

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Lee Minho.
The main character.
He is known for his cold behaviour, but he's actually a sugar bear. He is possessive when it comes to the love of his life(*cough* Han jisung). He's that some sort of soft, loving guys. His friends don't know why did he hates Jisung so much. All of his friends knew he's gay.

Han JisungA soft, bubbly boy who's cute and hyper

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Han Jisung
A soft, bubbly boy who's cute and hyper. He's tiny and loved by all of his friends, which is the closest, Felix and Seungmin. He likes Minho, but he's always heartbroken by how Minho is acting towards him. He doesn't know why did Minho hates him so much since the day he got into the school. He is sweet to everyone, despite how bad they're to him.

Hwang HyunjinSome goofy hot guy that's friends with Minho

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Hwang Hyunjin
Some goofy hot guy that's friends with Minho. He's having a love hate friendship with Minho. Despite that, he's also very popular for his looks, he even has his own fanclub at the high school(woW hot hyunjin). He's serious when he needs to.. M-mostly.

You And Me // {Minsung}Where stories live. Discover now